
Ooooooh how exciting!!

Test tomorrow with FMU, good Luck!

well...after all that, the line has gone.....cant see it anymore....either a) it was our imaginations or b) it was a cruel evap line or c) i have had too much of a hard day! ha ha

it was def there before...faint yes, but def something there....oh well

will just have to see over the next few days eh....

and if it's not meant to be....christmas bfp here i come.......cos i get 2 testing days in december with my short cycles... xxx
Samsgirl - Is it an internet cheapie you used??

I don't mean to get your hopes up..but....

I did one yonks ago with a cheapie when I was 8 weeks pregnant and very faint line appeared for a couple of seconds then just totally disapeared!

I then used a proper one a few hours later (think it was boots own) and the line was there alright loud and clear!

Samsgirl - Is it an internet cheapie you used??

I don't mean to get your hopes up..but....

I did one yonks ago with a cheapie when I was 8 weeks pregnant and very faint line appeared for a couple of seconds then just totally disapeared!

I then used a proper one a few hours later (think it was boots own) and the line was there alright loud and clear!


it was an ebay cheapie yeah.....there is also a line on the opk......not a dark dark one, but a line none the less and it's the darkest it's been on the opk over last 3 nights of testing.......xx
Wow hun hope its your month! Mine were like this the month i got my BFP! x
Oohhh it sounds all abit promising to me hunni!

I'd suggest you just keep using your cheapie's until you actuallly get to your due date of testing and then get a clearblue one or something?

Tests are always unpredictable just before your missed period even the ClearBlue ones so just hold tight and keep your fingers crossed!

Got mine crossed for you now hun.. and my arms and legs!! Everything I can cross is crossed for you now! Although my legs are getting pins and needles now so im gunna have to uncross them once ive finished writing this post!!! Hehe

Oohhh it sounds all abit promising to me hunni!

I'd suggest you just keep using your cheapie's until you actuallly get to your due date of testing and then get a clearblue one or something?

Tests are always unpredictable just before your missed period even the ClearBlue ones so just hold tight and keep your fingers crossed!

Got mine crossed for you now hun.. and my arms and legs!! Everything I can cross is crossed for you now! Although my legs are getting pins and needles now so im gunna have to uncross them once ive finished writing this post!!! Hehe


he he...bless ya...

I have a first response in the cupboard and af due thursday....so not long to wait xx although, feels long enough!!

glad u said your line disappeared...thought i was losing my marbles...my OH said ' it must be cos we wanted to see it' maybe he is right.....but there was def something there, i'm sure..

good way of seeing how we both feel about the whole thing though.........there was no panic, just smiles....so thats good....just need a real one now please. he he xx
just caught up on this thread and wanted to say good luck! I had exactly the same thing when I was pg - no line but went back hour or so later and there was faint line - got bfp few days later on proper test xxx
just caught up on this thread and wanted to say good luck! I had exactly the same thing when I was pg - no line but went back hour or so later and there was faint line - got bfp few days later on proper test xxx

thanks petal....will keep you all posted..

just gutted that it disappeared..ha ha.....but it was very faint,,,

will just see over next few days...xxx
Aw hun, hope it comes back ;)

Are you going to try testing again?
Aw hun, hope it comes back ;)

Are you going to try testing again?

well....dont know whether to test tomorrow or wait until day af due which is thursday.....have a first response in the cupboard...

have very mild crampy feelings in low tummy...not painful at all, just notiveable....and kind of gurgling and just odd feelings...

only other things i would say i feel is that i don't fancy chocolate...most odd for me..ha ha......and my gums were very sensitive when i flossed last night...i woke up in a lather of sweat in a cool room on friday night and i'm very pumpy...no change there really though..ha ha

i could be just symptom spotting now...but didnt really think much of the funny tummy feelings and all the other stuff til that bloody faint line showed...and then went again!!! lol xx
Perhaps wait until Thursday, gives you just a little bit more time. ;)

Hope this is it. Everything crossed for you. :)
Hi, just picked up this thread now. If I were you I'd test again now and also in morning with fmu. Shauna said her line was stronger at night! You have cheapies right? Won't do any harm as long as you remember its still early so not to get too disappointed with a bfn. I did only get my line once, I did other tests, cbd and first response and when they were bfn and ebay cheapie never came back with a line I think I knew then I was not pregnant. Take an example of Mummy24 instead of me and it could be your month you know! !! I've evetything crossed for ya
yeah what she said!! /\ defo test now to compare and take pics incase disappear again xx

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