Has anyone experienced this?


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2006
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I got a very very faint bfp 15 days ago when AF was a day or so late. Then AF came so I was obviously very disappointed. Now I have been feeling really tired and the smell of garlic is making me feel ill so I just bought an asda early test and did it and again there is a faint bfp. Now what is going on here then?! I know it cant be hormones off the first BFP a fortnight ago cos they would have gone as they were so faint anyhow. Also it isnt possible that I have remained pregnant either because the line is really faint like I said and would def be darker by now. So my question is, could I have ov straight after AF and be, like 1 week pregnant or something? It seems a bit crazy but its def a line as it came up immediately! Has anyone got pg immediately after a very early mc?
Sorry I haven't experienced anything like that, I didn't ovulate until four weeks after my m/c but it could be different for an early miscarriage.

Might be worth seeing your doctor next week, if you do another test on Monday and it's no darker then you definitely need to see a doctor to find out what going on.

Hopefully all will be well and you'll be moving into first tri :hug:
Cheers for replying. :D Yeah, I have got another test as it was a 2 pack so my plan is to do another tomorrow with FMU and if its darker then thats cool and if its still there but a faint line then I will ring the doc. I had a 7 week mc in Jan too so I think my body might be confused. I am hoping I ov'd straight after AF and I am 8 or 9 days post and thats why the BFP. Fingers crossed anyway!

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