14 month old hybrid child!


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2009
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I swear Lucas has skipped a part of evaluation and is a kind hybrid human! The boy just doesnt sleep!

He goes to bed at 7-7.30pm and is up at 4am!! He wakes a few times in between too. He only has 1 nap in the day at a max of 1 hour. That's only 10 hours at the most a day. Hell, I need more kip than that man!

Please ladies, any advice? X
No advice, just sympathy! C's exactly the same :(. Have you tried blackout blinds?
Yeah hun, their room is lovely and dark. I suppose there are a few cracks of light get through and he's not stupid so he might just think it's time to get up x
K went thru this phase! Well, she was getting up at like 1am :shock: she grew out of it tho and we're back to lIke 6-7ish! No advise tho cos I can't remember what I did! Actually, I do, I stuck her back in bed, shut the gate on her door and went back to sleep :blush:
Have you tried putting him to bed later.. my son goes to bed at 9ish and gets up for 6-7 which is th best hes ever done.. hes used to go alot less with no kip so i know how you feel... i cant offer any advice as he only started sleeping through when he was 3 .
We are the same , Devon doesn't do much sleep in the day , but will sleep 8 hours at night, so we are minus about 4 hours maybee.

You might have to start Lucas on heavy exersize to wear him out before bed......

On a more helpful note- would taking him out in pushchair at the time he may get sleepy after a feed for a nap? Eg Devon will be tired but fight sleep at 1 hour and a half after each feed?
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The only advice i can offer is to try and get him to nap a bit better in the day (easier said than done i know!) Apparently i read that them having proper solid naps in the day leads them to a more restfull sleep at night.

Sorry i have no other advice!
Thanks lasses. I suppose that now i'm not working i can have more control over his day time naps.

Bethx- the idea of putting him to bed at 9 is a good one however while me and OH have been working full time its been impossible to keep him up past 7 ish coz he won't nap at the miinders. also we need our 'together time' and i need to do a bit of house work and we both hit the sack at about 9.30-10pm so it just wouldn't work. xx
What happens when he wakes at 4am hun? Does he cry loads or flat out refuse to sleep anymore etc...?
Oh Toon, I didn't realise you were not working now? Are you a stay at home mum now , or are you looking for something else , I remember you looking forward to going back to work after Lucas, at least you will be able to spend more time with the boys again for a bit
I'm not sure chick.. I have never been there, I hope he starts sleeping longer for u soon x
I quit my job on Wednesday JJ but my bosses boss called me yesterday asking me to reconsider so i dunno what I'm gonna do.

When he wakes at 4ish he just twists and cries till I give in but obviously that wakes Jacob up so then it's impossible to get them settled down again.

On the plus side, they slept till 5.30 this morning :yay: xx

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