

Well-Known Member
May 11, 2011
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Been such a long day. Been at hospital since 930-330 for. Antenatal class then 4oc I had antenatal appt. The class went really well and there are gonna be tons of lil boys born in Dec there was only 1 lady having a girl. It really helped me out with pain relief and feel on the ball now esp with epidural seeing as I need to have an early one to control my heartrate. But when I went for appt it all.went out the window and now I wish i never went for the class. Basically the appt was to do a birth/care plan as 1 the baby is above average in weight and 2 my heart condtion. Well turns out the consultant wants to induce me at 39 weeks and has booked me in for 12 Dec...and if I don't have a fast stage 2 he wants to do a forced delivery as he's worried about my heart. But seeing as everything still fresh in my head I'm so scared. For 1 I really didn't want an induction or epidural as my cousin had epis with both her boys abd was induced with one and is always like it kills I wish i had a cs etc. Then i really don't want a forcep delivery. Im so petrified of it all now and suppose i should be grateful they're doing this because of mine and babys health just wish i could have chosen. I really wanted a water birth. But on a bit of a positive side he booked me in for a scan Mon and if there's less water around the babys head then he's going to cancel the induction. So hell let me know on Wednesday at my my next appt with him. But on the plus side if i do get induced on the 12 and he's born the next day I could have a 13.12.11 baby hehe xxx
sorry to hear that appointment didnt go ur way.

was it the induction that ur cousin said killed - cos Jaceesmamma just posted in her thread saying that this was her best birth even though she was induced - so im sure thats not always the case.

Yeah i did Mrs mc. But he was all like It's best to do it this way we don't want to risk you having a long labour and he wants to control it. I think It's because if there's any complications regarding my heart they have to send me by ambulance to a children's hospital over an hour away.

Yeah it was the induction. She kept saying try to avoid it as much as i can as It's more painful cos It's kinda forced. Do u think it was better as it was her 3rd. The children's hospital didn't want me to be induced as It's my but looks like the only reason the consultant wants to is because of the excess water. But he said if the scan shows there's less water or the baby has lost weight he's going to cancel it. It's annoying cos there's nothing I can do. I asked them and they thought I meant stop drinking but I meant diet wise and they kept going on about dehydrating myself and not listening to what i was really saying like i was an idiot or something xxx
Oh no, sorry to hear your appt didn't exactly go as you would have liked :( x
Sorry things have been taken out of u hands hun. I've been induced twice with my first then my third and honestly it's not too bad didn't have the epi either I've post my birth story in yri3 it's the birth of Rhea Grace if u fancy reading it. Hope u get the news u want next week Hun xxx

Thanx ladies. Hopefully Wednesday will be better. But popped into work today and some ladies were like hope they do induce you cos your really big blah blah blah. Plus It's starting to get really uncomfortable now. Ah ok lewisca i hope I'm like that with mine. I think I'm just working myself up for the worst like I always do. Dint wanna get let down and feel It's too much. I'll have a look now xxx

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