Anybody else sick of waitinggg!? *RANT ALERTT*


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2009
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Right ladies, i really feel like us who are term... Have waited long enough now!!
From about 36-37 weeks iv been seein a consultant weekly due to my SPD and rib seperation, and each time they've held off a sweep or induction date...because they've been like ''ohhh i doubt we'll be seeing you next week'' GETTIN MY HOPES UP!! arghh.

I wouldnt mind but babys only 2/5 engaged which is bloody nothin! I thought 2nd babies came earlyyy!! Lol. Hormonal as u can tell!!

Iv got a sweep booked for wednesday with my community midwife then another appt thursday with the consultant and hopefully get an induction date.

Anybody else SICK of waiting for the unknown?
I havnt had any twinges either! :(
Same boat Beth, same boat! Thought second babies were early. Ive got a sweep weds too, although I'll be 40+2 then.
Haven't had a twinge either. Just sat around, waiting to be in pain!
Just feels like I've been pregnant forever, found out some early, about 3 days before I was due on.
And by my dates this baby was due last week anyway, 12 week scan changed my due date from 17th to 23rd August.
And I bought quite a bit of 'early baby' clothes this time as remember from last time the 'Newborn' stuff was too big for my 7lb day early baby. This time I bet I'll be left with loads of clothes that are too small already!

So what you reckon Beth, you or me first??!
My first lady came early my second came past due date with a sweep to help ...

I wasn't the best of patience and form from 36 weeks onwards for sure :oooo:

Come on babies x
Haha, its like a race! You'll have to come on here and tell us how the sweep went and if you were dialated etc.

Buuut, i MAY be gettin induced monday, so i could
Go first by cheating haha.

Does it just feel like you could actually go another month? Im tired an all that, cant bend down etc.. But as far as twinges go.. 0!!

they say 2nds come earlier and if my little one comes before thursday then he will have come before my daughter did. But it just depends on baby as to when they come. Good luck with your sweep. my baby was fully engaged 2weeks ago but last week was 4/5ths palpable which was basically free but they can engage at any time 2nd time around. x

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