11 month old not sleeping


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2018
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As the title suggests, my 11 month old still will not sleep. I have tried co sleeping and controlled crying. He has a bedtime routine. But within half hour of me getting him to sleep he wakes screaming (anyone would think he was being murdered) and its the same through out the night. He wakes almost every hour, I'm exhausted and I don't know what to do. I spoke to my health visitor and her exact words were I can't help you with that. He eats regular meals plus his milk so I don't think it's a case of him being hungry although if I offer him a bottle he will drink it. I'm at the end of my rope and I don't know what else to do. Does ANYONE have any advice. I'm in desperate need of some advice before I pull all hair out. :cry:
Teething? Sorry I don't know your back story but has he always been a poor sleeper? We started going through a very similar thing around the same age. My useless HV also told me to sleep train as there was nothing wrong with him and it was just for attention :roll:

Decided to ride it out a bit longer and he started cutting molars! My LO also eats well and is generally in good spirits during the day. Co sleeping doesn't make much difference here either, I just spend less time settling him when he wakes so get more sleep myself than if I didn't.

I don't know if that helps at all but you're definitely not alone!
Teething? Sorry I don't know your back story but has he always been a poor sleeper? We started going through a very similar thing around the same age. My useless HV also told me to sleep train as there was nothing wrong with him and it was just for attention :roll:

Decided to ride it out a bit longer and he started cutting molars! My LO also eats well and is generally in good spirits during the day. Co sleeping doesn't make much difference here either, I just spend less time settling him when he wakes so get more sleep myself than if I didn't.

I don't know if that helps at all but you're definitely not alone!
Yes, he is teething. It is his molars coming through. He is exactly the same as your child. He is a happy, playful baby in the day. It's just in the night. We had sleep trained him. But now it feels like we have gone backwards. I have tried just leaving him to cry it out, but it's not like before where he would cry a little then fall asleep. He literally screams, so much that I'm sitting there waiting for the police to knock the door lol.
Have you tried calpol or ibuprofen before bed to see if it is teething pain or not?
Could it be silent reflux? This apparently makes lying down on the back very uncomfortable for babies
What does he do after the bottle when he wakes up, does it get him back to sleep?
I'd try calpol like @night owl suggested. He might be in pain and his tantrums will probably gets worse with the lack of sleep.
Unless he has an inner ear infection, which makes lying down pure agony.
Does he pull his ears?x
We've tried Calpol and ibuprofen amongst other things but nothing has really made that much of a difference. Some nights are worse than others. We don't feed at night as it wasn't settling him any better than plenty of comfort and cuddles. My LO also had an inner ear infection recently and it was hell. He also had temperature etc but worth ruling out as kitana suggested. I'm lucky that my boy is just as happy with dad so the best we can do right now is take turns and lots of cuddles.
Have you tried calpol or ibuprofen before bed to see if it is teething pain or not?
Could it be silent reflux? This apparently makes lying down on the back very uncomfortable for babies
Yes, I give him neurofen for children abt half hour before bed. He doesn't sleep on back. As soon as I put him down on his back he either wakes straight back up again or flips over onto his belly
I'd try calpol like @night owl suggested. He might be in pain and his tantrums will probably gets worse with the lack of sleep.
Unless he has an inner ear infection, which makes lying down pure agony.
Does he pull his ears?x
No he doesn't pull his ears. And I give him neurofen for babies
We've tried Calpol and ibuprofen amongst other things but nothing has really made that much of a difference. Some nights are worse than others. We don't feed at night as it wasn't settling him any better than plenty of comfort and cuddles. My LO also had an inner ear infection recently and it was hell. He also had temperature etc but worth ruling out as kitana suggested. I'm lucky that my boy is just as happy with dad so the best we can do right now is take turns and lots of cuddles.
Oh I wish he would go to his dad, but he won't. He won't let his dad do anything for him. Change his nappy, giving his bottle, getting him to sleep or just trying to settle him is a big NO for my son
I could have written this, third night in a row now of trying to be tough sticking to her routine and keeping her in her room and I'm currently swaying her because after settling her half an hour ago she is up again.

She stopped going in her cot for 3 weeks as she was poorly then we were away for Christmas and then she was teething really badly.

I just feel like there is no end to this and me and my husband are never going to get any time together. She was in such a good routine before as well. She didn't sleep through the night but would do a good 4 or 5 hours before coming through to our bed.

I'm honestly at my wit's end with it
At night I have to do everything as she will scream even more if my husband goes to her
I could have written this, third night in a row now of trying to be tough sticking to her routine and keeping her in her room and I'm currently swaying her because after settling her half an hour ago she is up again.

She stopped going in her cot for 3 weeks as she was poorly then we were away for Christmas and then she was teething really badly.

I just feel like there is no end to this and me and my husband are never going to get any time together. She was in such a good routine before as well. She didn't sleep through the night but would do a good 4 or 5 hours before coming through to our bed.

I'm honestly at my wit's end with it
Same, we went away for Xmas and he now has a cold which really isn't helping but this has been going on more than a month. He was the same, never slept through the night but 5 - 6 hrs then Into bed with us.
At night I have to do everything as she will scream even more if my husband goes to her
Also this is the same, if my hubby goes anywhere near him in the night he will scream his head off (but will sit and play with him for the hr a day he sees him) so he can't help. I feel helpless and soooo tired. I know I shouldn't complain lol but I want sleep so bad :-?
I've given up tonight, left my husband with her and she stopped screaming and started talking to him.

I heard him on the monitor talking back... Which made me cringe as really try not to talk to her but at least I'm getting a break I suppose. He's read her some stories and she just sounds wide awake now, happy but wide awake.

I just really don't know what to do for the best. We had classic FM on most of the night for her in case she needed the background noise but that didn't seem to work either.

I don't mind her coming into bed with me when I go up, but I'd prefer her to start off in her own bed. Could do with going to bed now as I'm so tired but feel like if I just take her upto my bed now I'll be taking another step back.
So sorry, I'm really not helping or offering a y advice :( but you're not alone.

Let me know if you find something that works for you and I'll do the same
I've given up tonight, left my husband with her and she stopped screaming and started talking to him.

I heard him on the monitor talking back... Which made me cringe as really try not to talk to her but at least I'm getting a break I suppose. He's read her some stories and she just sounds wide awake now, happy but wide awake.

I just really don't know what to do for the best. We had classic FM on most of the night for her in case she needed the background noise but that didn't seem to work either.

I don't mind her coming into bed with me when I go up, but I'd prefer her to start off in her own bed. Could do with going to bed now as I'm so tired but feel like if I just take her upto my bed now I'll be taking another step back.
I totally agree with you, although he does start off in his own bed, but by 11pm he is in mine. It is causing alot of friction between me and partner cuz no-one is getting any sleep. And he would be the same. He would talk to him and then make him wide awake. I actually had an argument with him about it, so now I have "banned" him lol
So sorry, I'm really not helping or offering a y advice :( but you're not alone.

Let me know if you find something that works for you and I'll do the same
Dont worry about. Its good to know that I'm not alone in this problem, and just being able to talk to someone else about it without arguing is a little relief for me even if it doesn't help my actual problem. I'll definitely let you know if I find a solution but after almost a month of nothing working I'm not holding my breath :cry:
Yeah it's nice knowing I'm not alone too. I'm going to a baby group today so she will nap on the way there and back.
I'm planning on getting her to play in her cot for a bit this afternoon too so she sees it's not a bad place.
Then back to attempting some kind of routine with her this evening.
I thought we were starting to get somewhere Saturday evening but last night was horrendous.

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