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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2011
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Hi all! Just wanted to celebrate getting a quarter of the way - im 10 weeks today! Its an extra sort of milestone cos were now past the date I had my miscarriage last year! Hopefully this is a good sign! Sorry - just wanted to tell someone, cos me nd my partner arent tellin anyone until our scan! Xx
Yay, congrats on reaching 10 weeks hun :) Not long until your scan now :) xxx
Yay!! I got excited this morning cuz I'm 7weeks today! Haha! Xxx
Yay! Congrats to u lauralou! Thank u both for ur messages! Getting impatient for my scan now lol! X
I am! My scans on the 6th december, so only about 2.5 weeks away! Have u heard about ur scan yet or? X
Seeing the mw for my first appointment on thurs so hoping she will book my scan then :) or at least give me an idea of when it will be. Can't wait, think that's when it all begins to feel more real :) x
O wow kirsty, looks like were the same time gone then! When did u get ur bfp? Du think its going slowly or? I can't believe I'm 10 weeks already, but at the same time it seems like forever til scan!

Oo, thats exciting lauralou! Its great when u get ur appt! But ur right, it stil all feels surreal.. I think itll start 'kickin in' when we see.baby at the scan! Hope ur bookin appt goes well on thurs!
yeah definitely, i remember feeling exactly like this when i was pregnant with my little boy, i didnt believe it until i saw the scan. this time round i thought id be so much more relaxed and just go with the flow, but im literally on countdown, every day the minute i wake up and open my eyes i think what day im on! today was like my birthday "week 7.... YES!!" so excited. i want to be calm about it but im so excited and nervous and all these other emotions! cant wait to see the mw on thurs, il only be 7+6 but il tell her im 8+6 to get my scan a bit quicker... muwahahahaha!!

is this ur first baby?xxx
Lol that's exactly how I'm feeling! Its really exciting knowing ur another day closer to meeting him/her!
This will be my first baby, but its my second pregnancy so stil feeling cautious about everything. Just want to start enjoying the pregnancy properly, but ive stil got this ' what if ' in the back of my mind.

How olds ur little boy then? and what was ur pregnancy like with him? (just not sure what to expect!) Xx
Ah sorry to hear that huni x I think ud still feel like that even if u hadn't had that experience before. It's such a nerve racking time but I suppose if you've had an unfortunate time with one then it would always be ten times more tense. Once you've had the scan you will just be on countdown to the next scan, and then you still feel on countdown to the big day. 40 weeks is such a long time isn't it, when did u find out u were preg? I found out at around 4 weeks so it's really dragged. Have u told many people?

My pregnancy with my son was great, no sickness at all, just a week of queasyness, but I was never sick. I suffered with terrible acid tho from start to finish. I had a shock at the 20wk scan because we found out he had talipes (club foot) but its treatable and he's currently under treatment for it so doing well. I started showing at around 7-8 weeks and took pics every Tuesday of my growing bump, great to look back at! Started getting stretch marks at 15weeks :( but they faded well so that's ok.

The labour was awful and lasted 117hours! but its soon forgotten and it's all a big mush really. My little boy is now 3, and such a handful, he's going through such a testing time, but when he's good he's an angel and it's so rewarding. He's got a speech sound disorder so not yet talking but he's still such a big character and such a laugh at times.
Are you going to find out the sex of your little one? Xxxx
Yeh, 40 weeks is ages! I found out on 28th oct, so I was 7 weeks. I don't know how id have coped if id have known earlier and had to have waited longer! Ive wanted to tell everyone, but I didn't want to have to 'untell' anyone if it went wrong. That was really hard last year, cos I had to revisit it so many times when tellin different people. I did want to tell someone for support tho, so I told my best friend and her husband. Just me, them, and my partner that know! How bout u, have u told many people?

O, sorry to hear about ur little boy. Sounds like hes doing well nd hes happy, which is the main thing! Must've been hard for you tho? Is he able to walk, or if not, will he be able to? (sorry for my ignorance, I dont know very much about it!) oo, thats a veerrryy long labour! How did u manage?! mind u, people have said to me that u forget all the pain and everything once u have ur baby in ur arms!

I didnt think about taking pictures! I must do that, its a brilliant idea! Think ive already put on a bit, so will be interestin to compare it! I dont think were going to find out the sex, id really like it if my partner told me himself at the birth. Sounds a bit soppy, but im very conscious about him being involved, as I think us girls have got it lucky despite all the aches nd pains of pregnancy! I know if it were the other way round id be jealous lol do u want to find out the sex? And did u with ur 1st? Xx
Hi jacy. I found out on 9th October do I was just over 4 weeks but the time has flown! Just counting down the days until the scan now! It seems so far away, and I am such a worrier I am terrified that something will happen before then, especially as my symptoms seem to have disappeared!
We're not finding out the sex for the same reason as you-I want my husband to tell me at the birth :)
How are you finding it, have you had much sickness? xx
Hi kirsty! Im exactly the same, have been worryin so much about things going wrong, ive even been worryin that well get to the scan and therell be nothing there! Silly really I spose, but I think when u really want everything to be perfect, u do worry about every little thing!
I think in a way its gone quite quick, but at the same time it feels like so long until 12 weeks! Mind you, were both almost there!
You're lucky that your symptoms have eased off! I still feel nauseaous most of the time lol I feel hungry all of the time, but I cant face eating. My oh made me a really lovely stir fry last night and I could only manage a couple of bits of.chicken! Im lucky in a sense tho, cos I havent actually been sick.. Yet! Thats it tho really, apart from a bit of tiredness! Hows ur pregnancy been so far? Have you told many people or? X
I do seem to be hungry all the time and had sickness at the beginning but only sick a few times so I have been lucky. We have told family and close friends, it's hard not to! Obviously once we have had the scan we will tell everyone so I can't wait! I'm just hoping my dates don't change too much when they scan me! Wouldn't really want to be put back!
Have you had any other symptoms? xx
Thanks babybo!

Kirsty - Yeh, am finding it really hard not to tell anyone, but determined to wait until the scan. Think it would be nice to show everyone the scan photo when I tell em! Am feeling quite nervous about getting the dates confirmed, Ive convinced myself that I will be put back, but who knows! Will be well annoying if I have to wait to get to 12 weeks again lol
Erm, don't think Ive had any other symptoms really apart from tiredness, but then that could be down to what I'm doing as well lol O, actually, I lie, I have had sore, sensitive breasts. They seem to be getting a bit better now tho, don't really notice it as much as I did. How bout you, any other symptoms?
Will this be your first or?
Well I'll be nearly 13 weeks by my scan so if I get put back to 12 it wouldnt be too bad as it's really the scan I'm looking forward to forward to. Once that's done I think I'll feel better!
I have had sickness and nausea and sore boobs but they are less sore now. Apart from not fancying any foods, right now I wouldn't even know I was pregnant!
Yes it is our first, how about you?x x
Yeh, this'll be our first. My 2nd pregnancy tho, but im further along now than I reached in the other one, so its all new now! I never had any symptoms in my first that I remember, so im taking all of this as a good sign! Are u secretly hoping for a particular sex, or have any inklings?

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