10/11dpo, need an opinion pls girls!!

Eeeeeek, good luck ladies, going to be stalking yous tomorrow! x
Morning girls!

I've chickened out of testing today! I have only one digi left, and i know it's a bfn.

However i also strongly feel that i am pregnant, so i hve decided to try and wait till monday to test.

Well i caved and did the digi. As expected :bfn: :(

I still fell as though i am, can't explain why but just a feeling (feel free to slap me when Af arrives!!)

God Luck Barrbiee, keep me posted!

Dont lose hope - af not here yet lady! My mum didnt get a bfp with me until three weeks after af was due! Still worst comes to worst theres always next month for an xmas bfp! !!! Xxxxx
try cheapies hun till you get a nice dark line, I did cheapies this time and never bothered with the digi's I knew I was pregnant after the cheapies so didn't really need the words this time. Just for my first as that was a mega shock as was having tests done for fertility x How many days in or over your period,cycle are you now confused by them ticker thingys x
Keep your head up kred hope to see your bfp soon. I did a cheapy and got a BFN so not feeling too positive as AF has felt like she's been on her way for a few days now so I'm more than likely out x
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try cheapies hun till you get a nice dark line, I did cheapies this time and never bothered with the digi's I knew I was pregnant after the cheapies so didn't really need the words this time. Just for my first as that was a mega shock as was having tests done for fertility x How many days in or over your period,cycle are you now confused by them ticker thingys x

My ticker is waay out anyway hun!

I'm due AF today. I only know that cos i know wen i ov'd. Before that i'd bled for 23 days :shock:!!

One of the main thing for me suspecting it is my extreme hunger! An hour after my tea I had a massive bowl of weetabix! This seems to be what i'm fancying alot atm!

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maybe wait till tomorrow or day after hun and try a cheapie I just kept trying them till I got a faint line as I didn't know when or if AF would come I average out at 31 days. Hope you get some answers soon x

Oh and my first faint line took about ten minutes on the cheapie I left it on side and went back to it as see no line once I'd dipped it I was inpatient x
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I've got everything crossed for you Kred, you might get that August baby after all :) xxx

I think i have a bfp. Faint line on an adsa test, came up in 2 mins.

But, i don't feel excited like i thought i would, i just feel sick!!!

Yes, just about 10 mins ago.

Be warned, it is v faint, but i think i trust it cos i did a frer 2 days ago, and after that dried it had a definate pink line.

Af id due today, but no sign of her and i don't feel like she's on her way. Felt quite queasy and had headaches for a few days. The other is frer from thursday.


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I see a line hunny, I hope you don't mind nicked picture so I could add arrows tell me if thats where line is?


thats where I can see it so faintly looks like my first one hun x
To be honest can see lines on both and they look pink :) I hope they get darker for you hunny x Just keep doing them but looks postitive to me :D huge congrats x
Yep, thats exactly where the line is!

It's the first faint line i've ever seen without it being after the time limit. What do you think then? Bfp?


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