1 year old's speech

I suppose every child is different, it's quite surprising when you think they can't say many words and when you add up how many words they can speak they can actually say alot :-) Our 3 year old is talking loads, full conversations. But when she just turned 2 we were worried she couldnt say much, I think they say they should be able to say about 30 words when they turn too. It's so surprising how quickly their speech develops without even realising, lol!
Don't worry he is doing just fine Laceysmummy.

Devon is nearly 9 mths and has just learnt his first word Mummy, only he says Mammmmm,mammmmmm sound instead! It tends to be when I leave the room, we notticed it! (as he has turned into mr cling at the mo).

He recognizes other words but can't use them. Like if I say hello smartie Cat (our cat!) he will look down at the ground by my feet for her! Daddy who is a lazy sod when he is at home, lives practically chained to the sofa on his laptop in a particular seat, so when I say Daddy - he looks straight there to the empty seat!

My eldest started nursery at 2 years and 9 mths of age, saying only Mummy, No and Bob (Bob Builder!), once he was there, he went from strength to strength, and was picking up one new word a week. We were working with him at home, but he just needed to be interested I guess or reach the right age for him.
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My wee man (9 months) can say mama, dada, baba, and milk :lol: It's plain as day and he normally wakes up and says milk or when he see's his bottle; it's clear as day :lol:

He's doing sounds for his 2 sisters names :)

But much cuter and still very much language and communication is the actions he's doing to songs especially 'twinkle twinkle little star' :love:

Plus his understanding is good, where's daddy/mummy/siblings/dummy/milk etc xx
At 10-12 months he said nothing! Possibly animal noises, but can't remember when they started. His first word was "ta" at 13 months and he now says 55 words at 19 months :love: (Yeah I have a list :blush:)

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