1 year age gap help


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2011
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Hi my Lo's will have one year age gap I'm only about 8 weeks gone but worrying. How did you cope? My biggest worry is the thought of a double buggy, did you have one? I am happy about the age gap just worrying about little thing sometimes.
my child minder has a lovely phil and teds double buggy. Apart from that I'm sure there's quite a few ladies on here with 1 year age gaps who'll be able to answer lots of questions for you.

Oh and congratulations on your pregnancy :)
Thanks I really don't want a double buggy lol pushing my Lo in travel system is hard enough.
Don't worry it will be fine , I had 13 mths between my second son and daughter, it is hard work but lovely for the kids , they grow up like twins to be honest. mine are older now 10 and 9 , but at the time maclaran did a lovely slim side by side double buggy, small for car storage too. They each had their own space/side and back rests were independant from each other as due to age gaps they were not asleep at same time always. Double shopping space for you is a bonus!! I have seen lots of even slimmer ones nowadays they have got better and better. side by side is lighter up kerbs etc than a one behind the other , but as I say things have moved on alot since my days.

My best investment was a travel cot that was also a playpen and we used to put number 2 in the bouncy seat inside the playpen in the loubge so I could leave the room ok, as my little boy would try to lie on baby or poke eyes out etc
Have you thought about wearing the baby in a sling and not bothering with double buggy? Don't know how practical this is in reality but just an idea :)
^^^ There was a 2.5 year age gap between my sister and me and my mum put me in the sling all the time when we were out the 3 of us as it was so much easier. You could deffinately get a moby wrap for the first few months and then get a buggy that has the little baby at the bottom and the older at the top (like phil and teds) which then just simply turns into a one child buggy once your eldest starts to walk on their own :)

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