1 week ago today I lost my baby and my left tube..


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2014
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And I still feel numb, empty, desolate, sad, depressed... Still bleeding heavily. Still in pain and my wounds are itchy.

When will I start to feel better? I know it's a how long is a piece of string question, but at least physically when will I start to feel better? I'm not sure how much longer I can cope. I've got pain killers but to be honest I don't want to take them... I want to feel something even if it is just pain. :cry:

I feel lonely too. Like no-one in real life really understands (or cares)... Like they expect me to be over it and feeling better by now...
hi your really not alone there!

I too feel so depressed and alone like no one cares and people do just expect you to be over it in a few days but its not tht simple no one can comment unless they've been there.

I don't know about you but ive not even gone outside yet, my oh is trying to get me to out for a coffee with him and I just cant. what im trying to say hun is your really not alone and if u want you can message me
Oh hun.

I have never suffered a loss so cannot imagine the utter turmoil and devastation you must be feeling right now.

Just want to give you a hug :hug:

yummymummy... I've only been out once and that was because my DH insisted on going to see my Mother on my DS1s birthday on Saturday. I hated every minute though and scuttled home as quickly as I could. I'm supposed to be going for a fitting on Wednesday as I am the "Best Man" at my friends wedding and honestly, I can't even stand the thought of going to the wedding and pretending I'm happy in front of a mass of people I don't know, let alone travelling miles to go and get a waistcoat fitted. DH thinks I should tell them I can't be best man any more, but I know they'll be upset if I do that.

Oh and I've just realised that means I've got to go out tomorrow to go and buy the rest of my clothes. :( Great. :(

Just nothing really seems worth the effort any more. I swear I'm only eating and drinking because my youngest is still breastfeeding. I guess it's a blessing really as I know I wouldn't bother if she wasn't, it's only for her sake I even get up in the morning at the moment.

Thank you for the hugs Emily, they're much appreciated.
I know I struggle to get up in the morning and havent eaten since I got out of hospital I do try and eat as my hubby is begging me too but I just end up shoving it in the bin!!!!!

the things I usedto love doing I want to give up on ie I loved learning to drive but cant be bothered anymore I was an active gym goer but cant even face the thought of that ive given up on everything I know how you feel and honestly its so hard and not nice
It's so shit ain't it :( can only daydream of feeling better. I'm lucky like you have a baby who makes me get up and carry on or I'd take to my bed and stay there xxx
I'm the same. If it wasn't for my lo and still breastfeeding, I wouldn't get out of bed or eat. PJ's have become my everyday clothes. I can't even begin to imagine what kind of pain you're in, I'm still in pain and bleeding heavy myself and I know that won't even compare. I understand you feeling alone, I feel it too. All we can do is take it one day at a time x
Maybe seek out counselling
You're grieving
And you suffered something physically and emotionally traumatic
Might be useful having a personal 1:1 chat with someone love x
I'm sorry for your loss hun. Here if you ever want a chat xxx
Make sure you look after yourself hun and take the time to grieve as you need to. Many people don't understand pregnancy loss and how much it does affect you, we see it as our baby and sadly other people don't see it the same way from my experience (unless they have been through it).

I suffered with post miscarriage depression after my loss and had to get signed off work by my GP etc, if you feel like you aren't coping definitely talk to someone about it hun as it does help xx
Thank you... :)

It's two weeks today since my surgery and I think I'm finally doing a bit better. Able to move around a bit more although I still end up exhausted after awhile. Finally able to look to the future, and to get on with my day without crying so much...
So sorry to hear about your loss. I have no personal experience, but I had a friend who lost one of their tubes when we were teenagers and she had no trouble at all conceiving when she eventually did try. She was told at the time that the remaining side would compensate for the lost one, so she could expect to ovulate every month. No idea if that was the case, but her first pregnancy was unplanned and second was pretty swift! Just wanted to share a positive story from a similar situation, although I know that won't do much for how you're feeling right now. Take care xxx
Hi- I'm on day seven today after losing my right tube and I've been 'ok' thought I managing the pain ok so came off the tramadol. So earlier I felt like I had stomach ache and felt heavy down there. I got home and read someone's FB post on a baby arrival announcement. Burst into tears and could stop. Starting coughing and the wounds hurt so much. Took a tramadol and feeling sorry for myself. Have a sick note for another week but feel like I'm not getting better. So frustrating. Feel like I can't look after my little boy properly either. He's two and just about grasps mummy has a poorly tummy hate not being able to hold him close and pick him up

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