1 day late... hoping for BFP in the morning!


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2012
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Hi ladies! I am hoping for a BFP tomorrow when I take the EPT. I haven't had much for symptoms... I haven't had sore bbs like before AF comes. Has anyone else experienced no soreness in bbs through the entire cycle? I have been somewhat tired the past couple days... Especially exhausted after the gym. DP wanted me to wait for a week to take EPT but I just can't wait. Wish me luck! :)
Good luck! I actually complained to OH that my boobs weren't sore and I thought it was a bad sign!

A couple of weeks into pregnancy they started to make up for it :roll:
Good luck! I actually complained to OH that my boobs weren't sore and I thought it was a bad sign!

A couple of weeks into pregnancy they started to make up for it :roll:

Thank you! That's good to know. :) For some reason when you get used to sore bbs you worry when you don't have them...as big of a pain as they are. Lol
I never had sore boobs with either of my pregnancies, thankfully LOL!
Good luck for your BFP :)
Good luck Hun let us know how you get on! xx
I became positive about bfp by lack of symptoms. My boobs just weren't as sore as af makes them. So keep positive xx

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Ooh exciting - keep us posted when you have tested. FX you get your BFP xxxx
Got a BFN this morning :( its so weird though cuz I'm never late for AF and now I'm 2 days late. And I've been waking up in the middle of the night to pee for the past few nights. I hope AF comes soon cuz I want to stay regular.
I have a saliva microscope coming in the mail and just barely started to chart basal temp. Just gotta keep trying I guess. Xx
Hiya hun, I've known a few people who's BFP hasn't shown up for a while after AF was due, so although you are 2 days late & got a BFN its not over until the witch decides to pay a visit! So FX for you its just may be a shy BFP xx
Hiya hun, I've known a few people who's BFP hasn't shown up for a while after AF was due, so although you are 2 days late & got a BFN its not over until the witch decides to pay a visit! So FX for you its just may be a shy BFP xx

Thanks hun. Still no wine for me tonight then. :)
Hehe :) how long do you intend to wait until you test again? tomorrow or are you waiting a few more days yet? Are your cycles usually really regular? x
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I think I'm going to wait until I'm 7 days late. If nothing by then I will test again. I'm usually incredibly regular like clockwork. Lol
I'm impressed by your self control :) If you usually run like clockwork & are two days late I reckon I would be testing everyday hehe.. probably much healthier to take your approach!! xx
Hehe. I would like to test right away again but those tests are so darn expensive. Lol
Ahh yeah very good point, I always use cheapy ebay ones, they work out at like 10p each but most people on here have said they usually take at least 2 or 3 days longer than better more sensitive tests (the internet cheapy ones are more like the ones your GP would use).. knowing my impatience I probably need to invest in some better ones lol xx
fingers crossed it's just a late to show bfp! I too had less painful boobs the cycle i got my bfp, other cycles they hurt from ot af, but the bfp month they stopped hurting at 5dpo and didn't start again until I was 6+ weeks.
Fingers crossed for you, you will have to keep us updated af or bfp, with my first (10yrs ago) I had lack of boob pain, but still had af cramping but no af, but I didn't get bfp for 3 months (spent about £50 on tests) finally went to gp and got my bfp, but got bfp with my ds 2 days before af was due, so it's still all to play for, and throwing lots of luck to you xx
Thanks ladies! I always get sore boobs before AF and had very sore boobs right away (way before AF was due) with my pregnancy a few years ago which ended in MC at 7 weeks. I guess that is why I'm so confused with no sore boobs this time. I will definetely keep you all posted. Time to go to the pool to keep out of the heat and my mind off of it so I don't obsess too much. Hehe xx
Time to go to the pool to keep out of the heat and my mind off of it so I don't obsess too much. Hehe xx

So jealous!! I'll just pop out in the rain instead!

(The Great British Summer Eh?!) :):wave:

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