

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Having a CURRY for my tea!!!

I cant wait because I have been craving curry for weeks and Im at mums just waiting for it to be served (she does the best curry!)

Its a Korma girls, so I think il be safe with that what with preggie bowels :rotfl:

Any one else been eating any nice foods/got something nice for tea that they have been craving???
I've eaten 2 hotdogs and have to have another! The craving just crept up on me, I never eat things like that :D
Well had a big craving for Chinese food last weekend and Iwish i never ate it was on the loo all night :oops: I'm in more of a chocolate mood than anything :D
had a curry last Sunday and loved every single mouthful... don't think I ahve enjoyed a meal so much for ages !!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you enjoy your as much....
Hey twinny how was the curry??
Hairdresser been here tonight so didnt get to eat till 9pm, had toast and a huge slab of coffee cake-my latest passion. Coffee or madria cake with butter cream and icing from Asda. Piggie wiggie I am
i had a lovely curry last night- i think it was a tikka masala (or however you spell it) it was lovely at the time but kept repeating on me for the rest of the night and left me with a huge aftertaste of garlic and onion- very attractive lol

yesterday i had a mad urge for a potato and meat pastie and a ginger bread man, luckily i was in bunrley as halifax (my local) doesnt sell m/p they only sell traditional, but they forgot to put my ginger bread man in thebag :(
Through this pregnancy I have not been in a choccy mood at all which is strange for me as I usually like it then suddenly wednesday evening it hit me! I had to have a cadburys caramel. Was there any in the house? of course not!! :evil: so I ended up ringing OH at work and telling him he MUST buy one on the way home! trouble is he took ages getting home and by the time he did I was completely desperate!!
Has anyone had things they have gone off while pregnant? I can't eat any meat apart from corn beef!! It makes cooking for the family really hard work. :x
Also how do I put my ticker on my posts? :?
Thanks if anyone can help.
You just put the code in your signature hun
Just ate a HUGE piece of chocolate cake :D

But it was Tesco 'Healthy Living' lol
JaidyBaby said:
Just ate a HUGE piece of chocolate cake :D

But it was Tesco 'Healthy Living' lol

dont try and justify it hun, if baby wants chocolate cake, baby gets chocolate cake :D

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