*yuk* another milestone! Now with pics LOL


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Well Mason got his first wobbly tooth yesterday, although I couldn't watch him wobble it :puke:

Today it was wobbling even more and after school he was playing in the garden when he come running in and puts something into my hand. :puke: :puke: :puke: it was the tooth! ew!! with a little bit of fleshy stuff attached to it! :puke: :puke: :puke:

He seemed really pleased with himself, I thought he'd be upset at the blood cos he's a sensitive little chappy really.

Anyway, I'm off to go and put it under his pillow! What does a tooth fetch these days? LOL
Ahhhh bless...........his first visit from the tooth fairy :cheer:

I don't know the correct value of a tooth, but I used to be chuffed to bits with 50p, maybe leave him £1??
yea, i used to get a pound n thought i was loaded
Congrats on the tooth little dude!!!!

I had a cheapskate tooth fairy, I on;y got 20p, but was dead chuffed with it, it used to get me a quarter of cola tabs!

I once wrote the tooth fairy a note and asked that instead of 20p this time would I be able to have a popple!! I did not get one!! (well I did eventually, but not in exchange for a tooth!) :rotfl:
God I realised I was totally unprepared, I'm glad he didn't question me too much about what the fairy does, where do they take the tooth etc :lol: I don't have a clue what to say!

He just asked if they leave the tooth, take it or just leave money, I told him they take it and then put the money there. :lol: He's got a little bunny teddy with a pouch at the front with "Tooth Fairy" written on it. I put the tooth in the pounch and the bunny under his pillow.

Now I'm paranoid I'm going to forget about the money! Imagine if he wakes up and the tooth is still there! I've put a quid on the stairs so I see it when I go up later.
missac said:
I had a cheapskate tooth fairy, I on;y got 20p, but was dead chuffed with it, it used to get me a quarter of cola tabs!

hahah that would explain why your teeth were falling out ;)
Charlottes lost two now - she STILL won't believe me when I tell her it's from kissing boys

Going rate in this house is £1
i asked my aunt... she said her kids get £2 :shock:
i once asked the tooth fairy to my bday party :oops: haa haa, my poor mum wrote me a 'reply' sayong that she couldnt come cos she was too busy collecting other little girls teeth - i went round for ages telling everyone that the tooth fairy replied to my party invite :oops:
missac said:
I once wrote the tooth fairy a note and asked that instead of 20p this time would I be able to have a popple!! I did not get one!! (well I did eventually, but not in exchange for a tooth!) :rotfl:
ooh popples i remember them i had potatochip!
i can remember wen i was 7 i lost a tooth and dad gave me a £1
the next day i decided i wanted a football and asked my dad if i pulled all my teeth out would i have enough for a ball
thankfully my dad talked me out of it
I think we're going to do a quid for a regular tooth and £2 for a molar haha
Tori said:
i once asked the tooth fairy to my bday party :oops: haa haa, my poor mum wrote me a 'reply' sayong that she couldnt come cos she was too busy collecting other little girls teeth - i went round for ages telling everyone that the tooth fairy replied to my party invite :oops:

awwww bless, that is so cute, and funny lol
i used to get a quid off me mum!

when i went on holliday with me dad i lost a tooth... he said "put it under the pillow and the toothfairy might leave you some money" i was only 7 but i replid... "no ill take it home mum will give me a quid" hahahahah
i love wobbly teeth my 8 year old neice has just started to lose her teeth i have to make her wobble them for me :oops: :lol:

i used to get a pound... until i caught my mum puttin the money under my pillow i was heartbroken :cry: :cry: that the tooth fairy wasn't real :oops:
i used to love pullin my teeth out lol!!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: im weird lol, i just got excited about gettin money so the pain was worth it lol!!!
Now I'm wondering if I'm tight giving Mason a pound, what with the rate of inflation and all that :lol:

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