funny you post this now as a friend of mine just had exactly the same problem. TBH i wouldnt spend too much time worrying as there is sooo many things that can falsely indicate a problem with you're liver, and if there is a problem there is many more simple things than serious so at this stage please try not to worry.
This may put you're mind at rest. Not long ago i had a phone call from a friend of mine completely out of his mind in worry because the doctor had said he had a high count of something in his liver and something was wrong and he would need more tests etc, so understandably he was quite worried, but he was off on holiday that week and was told not to drink and try to cut down smoking as much as possible too which was fine for him.
When he got back after been worried so much he had all his tests and got the results for there to be nothing wrong!! poor lad.
Hope that helps ease any worry abit honey and i hope you're mom gets the same results .
Cas x