Your Favourite Moments - Nobody else has fave moments?


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2008
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Last night when I couldn't sleep I began to think about all of my favourite moments during pregnancy. I had an awful 1st tri but then had many times where i enjoyed my tummy being a home for LO. :)

Seeing as we're not gonna be in here for long I hope everyone will contribute to this thread and mention a couple of personal highs of pregnancy.

One of my favourite moments was when i found out I was having a girl. It made things seem real and only after that did i decide to buy clothes. Another would be when the doc said he could see LO was sucking her toes in the anomally scan. That was ever so cute and made DH and I laugh loads. :rotfl:

Please feel free to add your experiences. :hug:

this is a great idea hun here are my magic moments

The moment i found out i was pregnant
The first scan seeing little bean
The first time i heard babys heartbeat at midwife appointment
The anomally scan when we found out we were having a healthy baby boy
My 4d scan seeing all of his little features, also when he was found playing with his winky on scan :rotfl:
Today when i found out bubs not breech anymore

The next will be giving birth and holding my lovely son :D
What a lovely thread. :D

Mine are:

First realising I was pregnant (I wasn't going to test that morning but did) and then telling Hubby.

Finding baby's heartbeat on the dopplar for the first time.

My first scan and actually realising YES there is a baby in there!! LOL.

Feeling better in 2nd tri and starting to show and enjoy the pregnancy.

First kicks at around 18/19 weeks.

Seeing Hubby's face when we found out what we were having at our 20 weeks scan.

Buying bits and pieces and getting the baby's room ready.
Mine are:

The moment i found out i was pregnant
Having the 8 week scan and seeing a heartbeat in the right place (was scared it wouldnt be there)
Hearing the babys heartbeat for the first time (even though it turned out to be mine!)
Having the 12 week scan and seeing the baby kicking
My crohns improving cos im pregnant (thats a big one for me!) and at every midwife appointment there were no problems!
Having my 20 week scan
Putting weight on and getting a belly
feeling the kicks
watching my belly make funny shapes (could sit and watch that all day)
Getting to my due date!!! (but now the baby needs to get a bloody move on!!)

Claire x
Mine were:

Seeing that faint pink line on the HPT, although I had to squint to see it, I knew it was there! Having been on the pill for 18 years and falling pregnant in just 6 weeks for me was absolutely incredible and I couldnt believe how lucky I was, especially as Im 34.

12 week scan, and although baby resembled a coffee bean and was positioned so badly, it became a little more real to see something moving around inside my tummy!

First real movements at about 20 weeks, everytime was just amazing and something I will always remember. We were on holiday at the time and I loved being away in the sun and pregnant, was so laid back and relaxed.

20 week scan - finding out we were having a boy was possibly the best and most memorable moment - DH has 2 girls from his previous marriage and I knew that he was secretly hoping for a boy! I burst into tears when we were told it was definitely a boy - I was SO happy!

Current movements, although they can be rather painful, the movements have now become so strong and constant - that Im constantly reminded its not long til I get to meet our little boy!! :D

Getting the nursery ready, and although its not quite finished (almost there), I cant stop myself going in there and smiling - its just so beautiful, and when I open the wardrobe I get quite emotional seeing all the little clothes hung up waiting to be worn by our LO.

Right enough waffling from me.......its bringing tears to my eyes writing this :wink:
EllieBelle said:
Mine were:

Seeing that faint pink line on the HPT, although I had to squint to see it, I knew it was there! Having been on the pill for 18 years and falling pregnant in just 6 weeks for me was absolutely incredible and I couldnt believe how lucky I was, especially as Im 34.

12 week scan, and although baby resembled a coffee bean and was positioned so badly, it became a little more real to see something moving around inside my tummy!

First real movements at about 20 weeks, everytime was just amazing and something I will always remember. We were on holiday at the time and I loved being away in the sun and pregnant, was so laid back and relaxed.

20 week scan - finding out we were having a boy was possibly the best and most memorable moment - DH has 2 girls from his previous marriage and I knew that he was secretly hoping for a boy! I burst into tears when we were told it was definitely a boy - I was SO happy!

Current movements, although they can be rather painful, the movements have now become so strong and constant - that Im constantly reminded its not long til I get to meet our little boy!! :D

Getting the nursery ready, and although its not quite finished (almost there), I cant stop myself going in there and smiling - its just so beautiful, and when I open the wardrobe I get quite emotional seeing all the little clothes hung up waiting to be worn by our LO.

Right enough waffling from me.......its bringing tears to my eyes writing this :wink:

You cried writing it i cried reading it lol, bloody hormones :hug:
god cried reading most of that :rotfl:

i know i did a big rant the other day about being pregnant etc, but u know what my fav part is all of it i cant point of one thing cos its all brilliant, the BFP where u shit urself, the 1st scan, finding out what ur having, the 1st kick, telling people, the nursery, the show the contractions and the very very end bit, i honestly think its all amazing i love being pregnant and its even so much better being a mum :hug: :D
I had the faintest of faintest lines on a HPT and remember shaking and crying - the next day, I did a CB digi in Tesco's toilets and came out crying telling DH he was gonna be a daddy at last!

Then a private scan at 9 weeks when we saw the heartbeat and the little smudge moving around - finally seemed real - definitely the best moment.............xx
All i can say is awwwww. It's so nice reading everyones best moments. Makes me smile :) and makes me feel sad it's gonna be over soon. The great thing is though that we all get to meet our LOs at the end of it. Good luck girls xxx
My 3d scan when i was told she was a girl. It was amazing i had totally convinced myself it was a boy
chickadee1976 said:
My 3d scan when i was told she was a girl. It was amazing i had totally convinced myself it was a boy

My favourite moment is exactly the same - Neil and I both cried! :oops: (He was convinced she was a girl though so I'll never hear the end of that! :roll: )

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