Your Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Good luck girls-hope you both get your BFPs!

When you going to test??

Amy xx
The only symptom I got before I got a BFP was an aversion to wine...suddenly it tasted foul and it wasn't just a bad bottle. That happened just before AF was due. It wasn't til about 2 weeks later that I got other symptoms....sore boobs, nausea, headaches, tiredness and stomach pains.

Wishing you your BFPs very soon Loola and Flossy

:pray: :pray: :pray:
My symptoms before BFP were tender breasts, not so unusual as I have this from around the time I ov until AF arrives. But I also had tingly feelings in my breasts too, still do.

Bit of lower back ache which I don't normally get in the 2ww.

Other than that, tiredness. It's really hitting at the moment, I'm going to bed at 8.30/9pm at the moment.

I think my sense of smell increased as well.

Finally, I had a weird hormonal couple of days the weekend before I got my BFP. Very emotional and irritable and convinced AF was going to come early.

Really hope you get your BFPs this month ladies :pray:
Thanks ladies :hug: Im not testing til Feb 1st. Im beginning to doubt my symptoms now as really the only thing that sticks out is the tiredness. Everything else is explainable. My bloating and constipation has gone now. I am more sensitive to smells but I think thats cos Ive stopped smoking so I can smell and taste properly again. My mood swings are more than likely down to the frustration of TTC. My boobs arent sore at all no matter how much I squeeze them! :rotfl:

Oh well only 1 week left to wait! :pray:
I had bad cramping which I put down to wind :oops: as I never get PMS but whatever I did to relieve symptoms they wouldn't go away! I also got tender nipples, but they weren't so bad - I only recognised this as a symptom after my bfp. I did a test at what I thought was about 18 DPO and it was negative so I thought I wasn't pg- however I was it was just that my cycle had been so long that I was only about 1 week pg when I tested that first time. Tested again 2 weeks later when I still hadn;t started AF and got BFP :cheer: Seems a lifetime ago and yet time seems to be flying.
I fell pregnant whilst being on the pill (a new one) and being on antibiotics, I found out at 5 weeks when I was being very moody and irritable, I put it down to the new pill but the nurse confirmed it was due to my much loved little bean! So I guess that was mine! xx
With Isaac I had no clue, I was out at a pub :shock: and my drink wasn't going down well and I just felt so tired but put that down to car hunting and a new college course. Then got my BFP and had no more sypmtoms throughout the pregnancy.

With this little blessing I had all the symptoms and its like :shock: One or two is fine but all of them.. tiredness, nausea, back ache, P'ing loads.. so in my case symptoms or no symptoms, both are pregnancy signs :lol:

Very, very best wishes!!!
Babydust & fingers crossed!!!
:pray: :hug: :pray: :hug: :pray:
Implantation cramps dizzy spells and feeling faint before i missed my period
I waited till i was 3 weeks late before i tested
Then avesion to certian meat being cooked at work
i had to hide the fact i was throwing up with the smell as i dint want to tell work till i got to 3 motnhs
Mine were, in order of appearance:

* extreme fatigue / CBA attitude to everything.
* went off alcohol and nearly all food - not good on an all-inclusive holiday :shock:
* large unexplained rash on my stomach.

The above were all 3 dpo ish onwards.

* Implantation bleed (14 dpo)
* MASSIVE boobs (by 21 dpo had gone up 3 cup sizes, my husband came back from a 2-day trip and insisted I do a test).

Other than that, just normal PMT-type symptoms I think.
Ladies did anyone else get that deep lower backache ive had it for about a week on and off and have been peeing loads aswell and now ive started to feel bloated a bit and have been getting those awul AF type pains :?
A week before my period was due I had sore boobs and I was tired (though this has increased hugely throughout my pregnancy). I also remember that I had period like pains for a few weeks but I can't remember at what point they started. I also started having to pee lots in first tri but I don't think that was until later on. But everyone has different syptoms I think.

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