Your baby's movement


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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When does your baby tend to move most and how does it feel?

My bub keeps changing her pattern but at the moment she seems to (what I can only describe as) swish around in my tummy in the morning times and then seems to go for a sleep and then swish around again in the late afternoon and start stretching her legs with a few little kicks. Then she seems to sleep again until the early evening when she seems to think she has become a footballer and I just get kicks for most of the evening until I go to bed and she seems to understand that is her bedtime too and settles down until the morning.

Anyone else noticed any similar patterns in their baby's movement?
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i dont always feel alot of mine it depends on it position as to what i feel its only when it downwards facing i feel proper kicks and wriggles when it right way up placenta in cusioning it was weird seeing it wriggle on the scan and not feel it:( this baby is an early morning one tho more active then and settles thru the day
I fill mine different times of the day but more when I'm in bed!! I've got a feeling it's gonna be a nightmare sleeper at night lol
I get a few kicks in the morning around 10-11 then the quiet till tea time. I get a few more around the 11pm mark then and he's quiet all night.. Hopes it's a good thing he's sleeping throughout the night!

Oh the kicks feel like pops but their getting stronger and I'm starting to see my belly move with the odd one too!
about two wks ago all my movements were still really low then when i was bad in bad for two day last wk the baby didnt stop moving and hasnt since. I do feel it more when im am still and not busy but dont really see a pattern its just when I sit down really but the kicks are really getting big now you can see a hand or a foot run across my belly
I still don't reali feel mine a lot :( be nice when I have the scan and see that it is actually moving. Normally feel it in PM for a little bit xx
My bubby has no pattern whatsoever!

Feels like he is constantly wriggling about, so i'm guessing he is more settled at night

(i'm hoping thats a good thing!!)
with my son (who just turned 1 year woo hooo) he slept when i was out and about, the walking motion set him to sleep so then when i was resting or sitting he would be sooo active i couldnt sleep haha and he was most active in bath or when something prodded him, this time around i havent started feeling proper kicks yet just a ripply feeling and sometimes the odd movement cant wait til i feel baby more xxx
My little boy kicks when ever he want to, no pattern, i must say when i sit at the laptop leaning forward i feel the kicks strongest. I feel it everyday but on busy days i dont feel it as much as its not that strong yet (sometimes its really almost shaking my tummy when he gets a propa kick in)
What does it feel like when they wriggle? This is my first so haven't felt anything yet, just don't know what to feel out for... :roll:
Mine seems to go nuts when i sit down to eat too. Must love his food like his mammy :lol:
What does it feel like when they wriggle? This is my first so haven't felt anything yet, just don't know what to feel out for... :roll:

when do you start to feel kicks? i havent got any yet either :( x
What does it feel like when they wriggle? This is my first so haven't felt anything yet, just don't know what to feel out for... :roll:

when do you start to feel kicks? i havent got any yet either :( x

For me the movement feels like swishing- almost like when you go too fast over a speed bump and lose your tummy for a second. The kicks started for me just after 18 weeks (this is my first) and I mainly feel them when I sit leaning forward.
I get little tappings and kicks (this is my second) so I know what I'm looking for more easily! It's amazing xx
I used to feel Seb only at night and it felt like tapping and little kicks at first x now I feel him throughout the day and just before I fall asleep and it feels like proper kicks now x this is my second x

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