Baby Movement - around 24 weeks


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2010
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Hi Ladies :wave:

Where about are you all getting movement?

I've been getting movement (dont know wether its punches, kicks, headbuts) at the top of my stomach, right at the lower part of my rib cage, but only when I sit down, my bump is quite high but where my ribs are is not the biggest part if that makes sense.

I'm getting alot of movement, its every time i'm still, and alot of the time when i'm moving, but it has only been lower stomach so far. Seems a bit strange to have movement so high.

Hi hunny :wave:
I know im not 24 weeks yet but some times i get high movement, mostly when im sat down as my bump pushes up and other time they are in the middle or really low, think it depends what position they are in x x

Most of my movements are lower too, I think my placenta is higher up so would explain it, get the odd kick higher but big moves are middle to low! Not even sure if my uterus is above my belly button, I can't tell where it stops anymore!
all m movements are low down either just under bell buton or near pelvic area and theyve been that way for 7 weeks now lol, little one is quite strong so this time round its quite painful lol
Most of my movements have been really low down by my knicker line. As time goes on, they are getting higher now and have moves around by my belly button xxx
Most of my movements are low but yesterday I felt like I was getting kicks on my left ribs - left them aching for ages after, really not sure how far up baby is just yet but surely he's not at the rib stage?! Also get quite a few kicks that feel like they are aimed at my bumhole - anyone else experience these? they feel very strange! lol
Mine are still pretty low too.. (i know im a few wks behind) just as baby grows kicks will be higher and also the position ur sitting/laying..
I remember Jaycee used to put her feet between my ribs it was gross lol!!
Oooh I'm dreading those horrible in-between the rib kicks! I sometimes feel like something is sticking under my ribs when Im driving but wonder if it's part of my stomach or something, it's an odd feeling and always in my right!
I get that alot too..
babies can actually break ur ribs y'no!
Thanks ladies

I'm dreading the foot in ribs thing too.

Its so hard to imagine where the baby is, and whether its a hand/foot/head, last night he/she must have been kicking and punching at the same time. I think i'm only getting it as far up as my ribs coz im sitting down.

I thought you's might like this wee clip, it shows baby's position in womb, through the weeks.

I like that! especially when she magically give birth so quickly!!

I'm sure I can tell where my babys back and head sometimes by feeling my tummy and even the mad shape of my bump sometimes!
How much are they actually able to move around in there? surely they cant totally change position, just jump around a little bit? I might have a look on youtube later and see if i can see ppl's scan vid's see what baby does at this stage. Mind u its hard to tell where baby is in relation to mums tummy.
Think they can totally turn round esp just now, I know they even turn late on from breech to head down. I sometimes feel like baby has done a somersault!
How much are they actually able to move around in there? surely they cant totally change position, just jump around a little bit? I might have a look on youtube later and see if i can see ppl's scan vid's see what baby does at this stage. Mind u its hard to tell where baby is in relation to mums tummy.

they can basically do sumersaults upto quite far along in pregnancy xx
I remember both my girls used to 'roll' when i was really far gone... thats the only thing i hated about pregnancy!! Turned my stomach! they can turn from breech to head down in the last few days..
Id love it if baby just fell out like that link lol!! well not literally 'falling out' lol

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