You might be TTC if...


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2009
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What are those things that you do, that only people on here can understand?

Mine would be:
... every time you go to the loo you get the urge to pee in a pot, even though it's too late for OPKs & too early for HPTs.
... your phone no longer autocorrects OPK, HPT, BFP, TTC, etc.
... your bedside table is home to conception vitamins, basal thermometer & charting book, a guide to conception book, sperm friendly lube and a notebook where you write down important things like CP, CM & how often you've BD'd.
... you can't remember what the date is but you know what CD it is, how many DPO you are & how many days you have until you can test!

Ooh, I do a couple of those!

The only one I can think of at the mo is that I only buy white loo roll now so I can spot CM changes more easily and if I'm spotting.

:roll: :D

x x
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lol that's a good one. Makes me glad we only ever buy the cheap white loo roll. :lol:
Lol! :thumbup:

I also stretch the raw egg whites whenever I make eggs for hubby - I stand there wondering if my CM looked the same! :blush: x x
OMG thst's just soooo funny! I agree on all counts!!
I'm glad my curiosity is amusing to you. ;) :p

Oh, I whack a cushion under my bum after BDing sometimes too. ;) x
Hehe I'm similar MissJuly, will always make sure pelvic area elevated in someday :) xxx
Lol, I've figured out a way to make it comfortable, I've fallen asleep like it many times, much to the amusement of my hubby! x x
this made me laugh!! the bedside table is so true for me!! and i always have a fear that someone will look in there....not sure why - i would never go thorugh someones drawers!! xx
I always have a thorough scan every time I wipe! It's gross really but I want to make sure I spot anything LOL!

This TTC lark is just a load of peeing on sticks and checking when you wipe! x
you might be ttc if you.....

Can't keep off this f***ing forum!!!! ha ha ha


I think I have a forum addiction or a bfp'ing addiction....ha ha...My OH calls it ''bfp'ing'' when i'm on here

Last edited: keep turning up late for nights out with a sheepish grin on both your faces... can't keep your hands off eachother...

...maybe you're disappearing from nights out a little early too...

...and definitely the designated driver!
You do what I do and pick up some OVALTINE and think it says OVULATING. :roll:


For a second or two I was totally confused! x x
peeing in a pot
checking my cervix possition and CM ...anyone els wud think it was gross
chcking whn i wipe
and wanting to pop a stick into every pee
i raise my legs so my knees n up n feel stil on ground as i read it somewhere thts just as goos so im comfy lol
Lol I think it was my dumbest moment so far... :roll: I was so preoccupied with TTC! x x
:lol: That's funny.

I spent a good hour making a TTC spreadsheet...
You might be TTC if.......

You think it's perfectly acceptable to discuss CM with anyone who will listen.
You might be TTC if.......

You think it's perfectly acceptable to discuss CM with anyone who will listen.

And you spend conversations with colleagues contemplating your cervical position and then answer a question with 'cervix' which you then have to disguise as 'service' which makes about as much sense as 'cervix' in that context.

Just another fun day in Kizzibea land. :lol:

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