Yey! got my nose pierced...again. With pics.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2008
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Got my nose pierced today!
For like the 5th time :lol:
This time they put a nice small stud in though and it looks really nice, and a good price too, £15. Other times iv payed £35. i think I got well and truely ripped off. lol. It bled loads though, and with all my other piercings iv had, lip, septum, tongue etc they havent bled. maybe its because it went through scar tissue or something :think:
Ill post pics ina minute when I can figure out how to put them on my auntys computer :)
Sorry about the size V

I think I'm really lucky with my nose piercing as I've not put anything in it for about 3 years at a time before and its never closed up, I got it done about 13 years ago when I was 15 :lol:
What kind of piercer pierces a pregnant woman? That's not very responsible
a> I didnt tell her I was pregnant
b> Its not harmfull to get piercings while pregnant, just tattoos. :)
jazzmum2be said:
a> I didnt tell her I was pregnant
b> Its not harmfull to get piercings while pregnant, just tattoos. :)

While you're pregnant your immune system is compromised (as to not attack the fetus), and basically your body is busy enough being pregnant, so that introducing other strain, such as healing a wound is never a good idea. No reputable piercer I know would do it, to be honest.

As you haven't told her, the piercer obviously is not to blame.
Oh right. I did ask my midwife and docter before hand and they said it was ok.
But yeah i didnt tell her so she wasnt to no :)
WOOOOOO! i got my nose pierced when i was 19 and still got it now i LOVEEEEEEEEE it!!! post a piccy!
grrr every pic i see of u u just get prettier :talkhand: :shakehead: not fair!

looks fab. get that fringe down! :hug:
I nooooo! Im sorrryyy :lol:
I keep saying Ill do it and never do.
Having my fridnge back is just way easier though, doesnt get in my face when its windy :D
I dont want to be horrible but that was a silly thing to do, the fact that the risk of infection is higher with a nose piercing anyway and even more so when your pregnant plus the fact that the medication you can take for any infection while pregnant is limited... you could get septicaemia and that could be passed to your baby!!
Did the piercist even ask for id? you have to be 18 to get pierced without parental consent so if something went wrong now and it turns out you were underage and didn't say you were pregnant that person will deservedly lose there job!
Okay :D
Well firstly the legal age for piercings without parnetal concent is 16, its 18 for genital piercings.
I was told by my docter and midwife that it would be fine. So Im not being rude but obviously Im going to listen to them not people on a forum.
Not being funny but i know an awful lot about piercings and i don't believe that any doctor or midwife would have told you it was ok to go and do that, why didn't you tell the piercist that you are pregnant then? because you know they probably wouldn't have done it!! You don't have to listen to anyone on a forum its your baby and your body, i just think its selfish to put your baby at extra risk.

This comes from a body piercist!!!

It is not recommended to get a piercing while pregnant, nor for 6-9 months post giving birth because differences in your immune response. Because there is a risk to your child through shared body fluids, most professionals will not do any procedures on mothers while pregnant.

Every OB/GYN that I have interacted with has cautioned against it for your safety. Even with the best procedural precautions, you are at risk while healing.
Well no, I didnt tell them because id already been told its ok by my midwife and docter. They said that its to get it done but its not ok to get tattoos but is fine to get my nose pierced. You may no alot about piercings but it doesnt meen you no everything, I no what I got told and If they had said no its not safe then I obviously wouldnt of had it done. :wall:
Imight not know everything but some of my best mates own a tattoo and piercing studio and THEY do know that no proper proffesional will pierce a pregnant lady- oh and no midwife or doctor would say its ok!
read the above quote- thats all i have to say, its your business at the end of the day!
well tbh its not any1s business to judge her its her body and her baby i doubt she wud lie bout it !!! and its ok 4 all these people out there tht drink do drugs and tht no-ne seems to say ought to them..not being nasty or anything:)
but she dint ask to b judged on it she asked what people think of it and i think it looks great!!!:)

dint mean tht to sound nasty either !!! x
fran_23 said:
Ioh and no midwife or doctor would say its ok!

Well obviously they do as thats what they said to me. Im not just gonna make it up. If they said its not ok Im not that selfish to put my baby at risk just to get my nose pierced for god sake. If they said no Id wait, i wasnt in a rush to have it done, but since they said it was ok I though why not?
larisa said:
well tbh its not any1s business to judge her its her body and her baby i doubt she wud lie bout it !!! and its ok 4 all these people out there tht drink do drugs and tht no-ne seems to say ought to them..not being nasty or anything:)
but she dint ask to b judged on it she asked what people think of it and i think it looks great!!!:)

dint mean tht to sound nasty either !!! x

Thanks hun :)
If someone came on here and said they were doing something to put there baby at risk then yes i would jusdge them the same, i have stuck up for this girl before when people were being nasty, i'm just saying its a stupid thing to do and no way would a medical expert say its ok to go and get pierced, if she told the person who dome it she was pregnant they would not have done it! i have said it now...its up to her what she does, but its a forum people are going to give an opinion!! not everyone agrees with everything deal with it!!
Yes and your opinion is fine.
I just dont like the fact your acusing me of lying about what the docter and midwife said. they said its ok, deal with it.
Im not gonna amke something like that up.
fran_23 said:
If someone came on here and said they were doing something to put there baby at risk then yes i would jusdge them the same, i have stuck up for this girl before when people were being nasty, i'm just saying its a stupid thing to do and no way would a medical expert say its ok to go and get pierced, if she told the person who dome it she was pregnant they would not have done it! i have said it now...its up to her what she does, but its a forum people are going to give an opinion!! not everyone agrees with everything deal with it!!

yes i noo people av got there opinions and im all 4 tht but she dint ask if it was ok she had it done she was jst showing us a pic of it .r giving ur opinion but u cud of jst sed it looks nice or watever and sed personally i wudnt av it done whilst preggy.there was no need to say shes lying about asking her doctor and basically saying tht she put her babys life at risk she obv dnt wanna hear tht.,,,,and if u look on tummy pics she has got quite a notifcable bump if she wud of came into my salon i wudda asked her if she was or not.!! x

ohh and i jst rang my mothers friend who is a midwife and she sed tht its perfectly safe to have a piercing done whilst preggy aslong as its not ur belly button and aslong as it gets clean x
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