Yea!!! I don't need baby clothes...


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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I don't need baby clothes... yippeeee.... :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I went to my parents house today and they mentioned that they had some blankets, toys etc from when I had Tia.... well we opened up one box and it was jammed full of baby clothes (0-3, 3-6 months) and they are all pink and pretty.... They made me blub... I remember Tia in them when she was a little baby... in fact one outfit we found is the exact same outfit Tia was wearing in portrait hanging on my parents wall... I can't believe I kept half the stuff but I do know that I get all emotional when Tia grows out of things, and I must have just kept it all for that reason.

They desperately need washing, they smell a bit mouldy, but they aren't damaged in anyway (other than baby food and milk stains :rotfl: )..

So that's one item off the list.. :hug: :hug: :hug: So having a little girl has saved me a wad of cash.. but I feel a bit guilty now she's going to be a second hand rose... :(
aww thats great Squig :cheer: :cheer: The baby won't be bothered what she wear anyway and I'm sure the clothes are lovely :hug:
alex went up the attic to see what we had.. and everything witha bit of white on has bn dammaged when we had the roof done grr!!!! if its a girl il get them bk down n wash them.. i wanted a thin fleece snow suit.. but its not there.. nevermind
That is brilliant!! Dont feel bad, im sure they are all lovely :hug:
my old boss gave me shed loads of boys clothes so im set if its a boy here's hoping for a boy!!! :pray: Im sure you'll have loads of people buying the new baby lots of lovely outfits :D
Don't feel bad - vintage clothing (not second hand) is what all baby's are wearing this season, so your little girl will be streets ahead of everyoe elses. I was sorting through Seren's stuff and it made me blub. If this baby turns out to be a boy I hope it likes skirts :)
I call Ruby the "cast off kid", my sis had her little girl 10 weeks before Ruby and she is a bonny lass so she grows out if things just as Ruby is growing into that size, my sis sends a bin bag down for her on regular occasions!!! :cheer:

It was handy when she was born, she was so tiny and I had only bought neutral coloured 0-3 months (she was a surprise) , sis had tons of tiny baby stuff in pink, so it was great!!

Plus sis is one of those loons who queues for the Next sale at 5am, so we always get lovely Next stuff, minly with labels on!!! :cheer:
its gr8 innit i got lots of "vintage" baby clothes lol from my older sis who has 3 girls. dont worry about the stains theyll only get new stains on anyway lol
Thats gr8, vertainly saves a lot of mney, especially when they are not in them for long. I expect you'll still get loads meore when she arrives
I have been given a couple of huge binbags of little pink things from a friend- shouldn't need to buy much at all :D

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