New baby clothes?


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2011
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How do you know what size baby clothes do you know your baby will fit in to, I’m talking about the first 4-6weeks here!
Went shopping yesterday and as we plan to stay Team Yellow I saw a beautiful outfit to bring baby Chip home in. But then there were 3 sizes to choose from;
Tiny baby, new baby, 0-3 months. This may seem a silly question but how will I know what size my baby will be? Seeing as the last scan given is at 20wks how will I know the size of little chip by say 37wks? Do they measure your bump or something?
Sorry if this sounds like a silly question but I felt like I was in panic mode yesterday as I can see it being not as easy as I first thought.
I know some of you have already started building your nursery and bought some lovely items already but I’m stuck…Help please.
Finally, I’m conscious it will be Winter so I want baby chip to be as warm as possible. All my friends had theirs in the summer and they didn’t need much warm clothing.
I bought Newborn because from the size of me and hubby there is a very slim chance of a tiny baby, i also bough some 0-3 month incase its too big for newborn, my mum say's that she sent my dad out to get a pink snowsuit when they had had me (they didnt do sex scans then) so i can always send OH to the closest asda to get a different size - got to love 24 hour asda lol x
Same here ^ I bought a combination of newborn and 0-3 months - if he happens to be tiny we'll just get something there and then!
I am going for 'newborn' - most of the clothes I have seen say 'up to 11 lb' on the newborn stuff. Really hope my little one will not be more than 11 lb when she is born...! Saying that, I haven't thought about the exact outfit she'll be wearing in cold and wintery February... going to have to be something warm though!
Good luck and happy shopping! :)
Yeah same - I've bought alot in 0-3 months and only a few new born but if we have a tiny baby I'll just send OH out to Asda or Tesco which is literally over the road from the hospital. 24 hour shops :) Cnt beat um! X
same here i've bought loads in 0-3 months and some stuff in new born!
Ok cool, that doesn't sound so bad really. Thank you girls x

so I'll get some new born bits and a few 0-3, perfect. I was also thinking of phoning the parents after little chip is born tell them the sex and they can go shopping for something pink/blue!

I've already told mum i like the Little White Company or John Lewis stuff ;)

Haven't looked in Asda yet, totally forgot about that. When we have had our 20wk scan i plan to shop till i drop then so will definately look in Asda and matalan.

I'm sure ill have more questions again soon ;)

Thank you again xx

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