Yayyy got my c section date!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2010
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Hey all, 30 wk apt went really well. Lil one is growing well n my c section date is.......10-11-10 lol so exciting. Il be 39 weeks then. If everythin continues to go well then il have my bubba in my arms then....so kewl.
As u can tell im a lil over excited.... Had to share my news :)

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thats great news hun!!
glad bubs seems fine aswell! XXX
Its really exciting knowing the date :)

glad your 30 wks appointment went well.
Sooo jealous that you know the date-I'd love to know when my LO will arrive! X
How cool to know exactly when you'll be holding LO! Glad it all went so well.
aww hun that's great news, glad everything went well x
that's fab, so exciting!! not long now :)

Thanks girls....i know i just cant believe it....thanks for all ur msgs :) xx
Wow, did you have your appointment with a Consultant? I have a Consultant appointment on 27th September and discussing that I have changed my mind having weighed up lots of options/information following an emergency section in 2006 and now want an elective so hope he will say okay and sort me with a date there and then *crosses everything*.
Can I ask why you need to have a section?
That's wonderful honey! Knowing when your baby will be born must be wonderful if a little surreal! x yay!!!
Wow, did you have your appointment with a Consultant? I have a Consultant appointment on 27th September and discussing that I have changed my mind having weighed up lots of options/information following an emergency section in 2006 and now want an elective so hope he will say okay and sort me with a date there and then *crosses everything*.
Can I ask why you need to have a section?

Hey hun...yeh i attend a joint clinic every month with a urologist (for my lupus) he takes care of that side of things and then the consultant obstetrician looks after me pregnancy wise. I had an emergency c section last year in aug (which they delayed) following induction, i didnt cope well the baby was in distress. As soon as they cut the cord (before he was fine) he didnt breathe for 30 mins and after that gasped, due to the long time of him not breathing he had brain damage and later passed away in my arms after 4 hours. Even after post mortem they didnt find out what the problem was or what caused it.

That was only a year ago, so because of everything that happened and my lupus this time we have all decided on elective c section. They weigh all the options up really. Thats why i am so deparate for everything to go well am dreading going into thearte...fingers crossed hey.

Discuss your issues and im sure theyl weigh everything up you should be allowed to make a joint decision im sure....goodluck and let me know how it goes...how fa you gone???

gurj xx
Glad you got some good news today and even though I am a tad jealous that you now when the baby will arrive im happy happy for you xx
Thats great news..congrats..u can start counting days now...and buy all the baby stuff..
Oh my, I am so sorry for what you went through, I just cant imagine.....
I am currently 26 weeks and due 14th December.
I think I need to write down the reasons why I want the elective so I dont end up sounding like a too posh to push mum...main reasons are something like this:

If overdue only one attempt at induction allowed due to possible rupture so could end up with section;
If VBAC would want epidural as lost control with Pethidine with DS so likely assisted birth which I do not want;
Possibility of pre-ecplampsia this time again although keep being told unlikely;
Unable/would not want induction drip during labour so if problem then end up with section;
Risk of scar rupture although low percentage;
Not guaranteed overall that VBAC would be successful anyway 70/30 chance;
SPD causing mobility problems so unable to have active birth;
Would be constantly monitored/bed bound during labour which is restrictive.

Good luck with the elective!!!!! x
Oh my, I am so sorry for what you went through, I just cant imagine.....
I am currently 26 weeks and due 14th December.
I think I need to write down the reasons why I want the elective so I dont end up sounding like a too posh to push mum...main reasons are something like this:

If overdue only one attempt at induction allowed due to possible rupture so could end up with section;
If VBAC would want epidural as lost control with Pethidine with DS so likely assisted birth which I do not want;
Possibility of pre-ecplampsia this time again although keep being told unlikely;
Unable/would not want induction drip during labour so if problem then end up with section;
Risk of scar rupture although low percentage;
Not guaranteed overall that VBAC would be successful anyway 70/30 chance;
SPD causing mobility problems so unable to have active birth;
Would be constantly monitored/bed bound during labour which is restrictive.

Good luck with the elective!!!!! x

Hun that sounds fine.....those reasons are well thought of...and plus you have a full right to ask how u want ur child is born and would going private be an option for you guys???? we were thinkign of that, however my consultant said not worth it xx
How lovely to get the date, so much more controlled for you after everythig you have been through hun X

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