

Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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Im so happy my af came today!!! that means it will help me ttc a little easier cuz i will have an idea when i ovulate its been 33 days since my last af. :D They are way worse since having Kiara though ..ouch

Right so my question is since this is the first month its been sorta regular so have others found the first few like this were different amount of days between them?? if that makes sense.
oh im just so happy i was all disappointed as i thought i would have had it by now then i felt a wierd feeling in my tummy and there it came.
Oh and the good thing is the days im most fertile is the week my cousin leaves so we will have lots of time!!
:cheer: :clap: :dance: :hug:

congratulations on your af hunny
andall the very best of luck for this month sending you lots and lots of baby dust
:cheer: thats great news hun good luck for this month xxxxxxxx

Thanks girls im just heading to bed in a few its 1 am and im baged Kiara wont sleep more then half hour as she is teething real bad and i felt really nausious and weak , very dizzy so i just ate a sandwich so thats why im going ot lay down before Kiara wakes again :? hope i feel better when i wake up , i feel so moody as well .oh the joys

:hug: hope you feel better when you wake up katrina hun xxxxxxxxx
:wave: Glad AF is here but sorry you're feeling poorly hon :(

The time between my two AF's was 33 days aswell, but I didn't ovulate til around day 24, so you might find with the bf you ov later. Did you get any signs this month (pains or anything) around the time you think you may have ov'd?

Look forward to hearing about your BFP soon :pray: :pray:
Ohhhhh I thought there was going to be something different in this post for a second :lol:

Isn't it strange when your TTC some hope for AF & some hope AF doesn't arrive lol

Glad she showed up for you & :pray: for a quick BFP :hug:

Feel much better today girls thanks :D

Kina i dont know when i might of ov because i aint been feeling well and been having tummy pains nearle everyday my ultrasound came back good so now i have to go for my pelvic exam which now i have to wait till af goes away.

Wobbles sorry to disappoint you lol , it is strange though lol next onth im not gonna want it to come .

yay! good luck hun, hope you get your BFP real soon! :D

would be great to be pregnant together again :D


Yes Layla it would :D haha then i can bug you all the time although this time i kinda know whats what mostly.

Oh i just went down for another nap with Kiara and i aint feeling too well and am losing lost of blood im never this bad i soaked through a tamponin 2 hours had to throw my underwear away :( hope it eases off
Blimey hon, sounds awful! Normally they're not supposed to be as heavy if you're bf as your body tries to conserve its iron stores. Hope you don't end up anaemic, might be worth taking a supplement?

:hug: Hope you feel better soon :hug:
good luck hun i hope u get BFP soon
Braydon will need a best man at his n Kiaras wedding :dance:
Best of Luck for this month!

Sending lots of baby dust your way!! xx

Kina i know its aweful which kind of supplement do you mean?i am still going through a tampon every 2-3 hours its taking a toll on me hope its better tomorrow.

Sarah thank you hunnie lol ya haha their arranged marriage

Tam thank you hun :D

Might be worth taking an iron supplement hon to keep your levels up. I know iron tablets are really cheap over here :)

Thanks Kina im much better today not losing as much blood which is agood thing .
But i gotta go going to the mall .since i feel better !!
Aww sounded awful for you :hug:

Glad your feeling better today though x

Thanks Wobbles , its started up again now though gee dontknwo why it is doing this?
Hope its like the last two i had and only last a few days not a week .

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