1st AF after mc

pmsl hun thats made me chuckle so much...what was the big day in ur teenage years haha i have seriously funny visions of these funny granny knickers hee hee! xx
They became my AF monthly knickers, I kept them back and a selection of equally grim knickers for my monthly AF! Did anyone else? Lol!

I still have a selection of ugly knickers for AF and days when OH is not around! Ha! And no i have never DTD in the green ones..ah I don't have them anymore but they are like grass green ones!xx
pmsl i am so glad i am not the only one with grim af knickers, i once couldnt find any big knickers and so instead just chucked some odd, khaki green hot pant bikini bottoms on and d'ya know what, for af they are the best, elasticated and keep the sanitary towel in place fab, just embarrassing going to docs or what ever and having to get those beast out :D hee hee!
Really relived you didnt DTD in those grassy type knickers haha...now that would of been funny :D

Anyways...whose on facebook cos i do love chatting with you girlies :D xx
Glad she's arrived Deedee (never thought I'd say that!!) so you can get back on track with TTC. :yay: x x
haha sounds strange doesnt it :) and yep...deffo get back on track with TTC i'm already planning everything out hee hee! x
Morning! I'm hacked off for various reasons but it's Friday so I'm not shunting about it past 8am! Will PM my address for fb circle of trust ;) how are you ladies?

My friend's sister is a doctor who has had fertility problems she struggled so much went to see a witch doctor and is now pg! As soon as I get the recipe will put it on!

ahh sorry to hear your hacked off today sunbeam :( how pants...at least its friday! I'm not too bad, only got today and tomorrow to look after the little bro then i can relax for the weekend :)

The witch doctor sounds amazing...bet your friend was equally amazed also :)

As for facebook oki doki...mines Donna Shuker...same pic as my avatar :) you can see more of my whacky world then hee hee :D xx
Hey deedee, glad the witch has arrived for u, mine arrived today after 87 days (12weeks 3days) after the day of my mc, add another week and half (10days) for how long it took to start after finding out. But if u go from my erpc date and when the bleeding stopped after that it's only been 18 days!

We can be cycle buddies? As I'm only a day behind u? :) xx
ooh Kanga good thinking :D i was so relieved when af arrived! how long are your cycles usually? lets hope we can get through the 2ww together eventually too :D xx
I have a random irregular but regular cycle of 28, 30 28,30 etc So just had a 28 day one so should have a 30 days this cycle but left it as 28, cos I will be doing opk's to pinpoint ov. So could be in 2ww at the same dpi or a few days later. Xx
oooh coolio :D yeah before mc, i was ranging between 26 and 28 days so we shall deffo be in that horrid 2ww together yay a 2ww buddy already hee hee :D xx
Pffft...today i have realised what it is i hate about the witch so much...firstly waking this morning in the foulest of moods and then towards tea time just feeling like i needed to cry...been such a miserable sod today lol, least my OH knows how to make me smile...he said its about time he made an honest woman out of me and wants us to get married next year :D about bloody time after been engaged for 8 years!
Ah congratulations hun! It's nice to read happy news! When you thinking of setting a date? I love the programs four weddings and dont tell the bride!xxx
Ahh thanks hun and i dunno haha its all new and just been mentioned tonight :D guess i have to work things round a possible pregnancy etc! its all very exciting...just be nice to have the same sir name as my DD and OH instead of been the odd one out lol x

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