Yay!! Go Me!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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I'm SOOOO excited!!

Last night, I was getting BH with period like pains every 10 mins. Didn't want to post in case it was nothing, they lasted ALL night but tailed off about 9 this morning :( Then they came back around midday...

Went for my sweep today and MW told me I'm in early labour!! 2cm dilated and my cervix is ready! Evie is fully engaged and she did a REALLY aggressive sweep (she warned me beforehand but I wasn't totally prepared for it to hurt). She said she really wants this to work and she thinks it will if she does a good job.

So, she pulled her fingers out and they were covered in bloody goo :puke:

As soon as I stood up after the sweep, I bled a bit which is normal apparently.

Got home (this is about 20 mins) and I've lost some plug!! It looks like it's working :pray:

Anyway, I asked her about tomorrow and she said "to be honest sweetheart, I think I might see you on the ward tomorrow with your baby! Looks as though you might be avoiding this induction"

I'm soooo happy! I'm still getting the contractions with some period pain, nothing major yet but really hoping it turns into something! Anything!!

Even if this doesn't work, I've got to 2cm dilated and Evie's fully engaged, so we're ready for tomorrow! :cheer:


:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

So chuffed for you Dannii and all the best :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Take care
Kathy x
phew, talk about leaving it till the last minute
good luck :hug:
Go danni. you could be meeeting your princess sooner than you think!!!

You go girl :cheer: :cheer:

How exciting, I am so chuffed for you hun :cheer:
Yay thats fantastic news Dannii i'm so happy for you :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I actually feel like getting up and doing a jig round the living room...hehe

I told you!!! i said if you have a sweep i think it will get things moving for you before the induction!!
Never want to wish you any pain but COME ON CONTRACTIONS :D :D :D :D :D best of luck sweetie
keep us up to date :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

:wave: :wave: Hi Evie..its sooooo time to come out now!!!!!
I'm so pleased for you!! :hug: :D I knew you would do it, the emotional-ness of yesterday sounded exactly like how I was 24 hours before I gave birth :cheer: Cant wait to see your pics, get some rest now if you can, though Im sure you're too excited to!xxx
:clap: :cheer: :clap: :cheer: :clap: :cheer: :clap: :cheer: :clap: :cheer:

HOW EXCITING! Fabulous news hun! Little missy will be here soon (and you'll be in pain soon :twisted: ) I normally don't wish that on my friends but I sure do in this case! :rotfl:

Ooo good luck :) I think things will get moving on their own now for you.

:cheer: :cheer:
OMIGOD IM I TEARS THATS FECKING FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock:

You don't know how happy i am for you hon!!!!

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Go Evie gogogogogo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: Thats great news hun! Sounds like this it for you. You'll have Evie in your arms before you know it! Good luck :hug:
Good luck, fingers crossed for a quick and painless delivery. Cannot wait for more news.

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