Yay done Babys Bag, what you think?

That's awful :( what if u can't bf?? I hate the pressure they give mums to bf what if u can't?? U feel a failure!! Who needs that shit after giving birth?? Sorry for the rant I hate mws who push it!! Luckily noones dared to do that to me just yet.. I've been asked and I've said I want to but if I can't, I can't.. I'm not gonna feel bad about it.. If my baby is hungry I want it fed!! Not gonna starve it while some mw messes about with my laa-laas!! :lol:
The hosptals are trying to cover up saying its a breastfeeding campaign but an honest midwife has told me its not its because milk is so expensive and they have had to cut down, they also dont provide maternity pads anymore x x

The hosptals are trying to cover up saying its a breastfeeding campaign but an honest midwife has told me its not its because milk is so expensive and they have had to cut down, they also dont provide maternity pads anymore x x

Wow its all grtting ridiculas xx
That's awful :( what if u can't bf?? I hate the pressure they give mums to bf what if u can't?? U feel a failure!! Who needs that shit after giving birth?? Sorry for the rant I hate mws who push it!! Luckily noones dared to do that to me just yet.. I've been asked and I've said I want to but if I can't, I can't.. I'm not gonna feel bad about it.. If my baby is hungry I want it fed!! Not gonna starve it while some mw messes about with my laa-laas!! :lol:

U sound as het up as me a sister on the ward the other day said if u literally cannot bf they wud try get milk from somewhere but would be after keep messing with boobs then trying again and agaim etc it really really sounds horrid how they will grope n squeeze lets just say it dont sound like they wud be happy with us so called giving up. Thats y I seriously will loose my temper at them its too pressure and extra stress if I can bf straightaway sound if not I wil wait till im home and on privaye lol xx
Noone should be pressured to do anything they don't want to and shouldn't be made out to be a bad mum for not even trying if u don't want to for whatever reason!

That's just stupid not supplying maternity pads!!! I understand if people r staying in for a few days and using them all.. They can ask a family member to bring some.. But what r u supposed to do if u genuinely forget them??! Or use all the ones u brought and it's 3am??

Piss take!
Yeah I wander to like alot of people give birth early or even in a different town or something so geniunly wud not be prepared its a shocking state we pay into the nhs and these things cost next to nothing when they buy in bulk but cost us a fortune. I know we have to buy our own things looking forward but seems there are alot of things they could do to relieve our worry. Xx
U are very organised hun! I think I have done mine and have similar amount of stuff as you except not taking bottles/milk- I know our hospital provides it if needed, so I'm lucky there. The MW at our antenatal also said we don't need nappy bags as u can put soiled nappy's straight in the yellow bins at the hospital ( I also work in a hospital and know that soiled waste can go in these) so not 100% sure that you'd need those, but guess they don't take up that much space. I've put a small sudocream pot in like u but MW did say that not to use anything other than water on LO's skin initially- apparently modern nappies wont absorb the cream and it will sit between the nappy and the skin and not be good for baby (unless obviously baby's skin needs it and therefore will absorb it?!)........It's hard to know how many clothes to bring like u say, keep getting 'encouraged' to do as much skin to skin as poss and therefore was told u don't really need anything but a blanket and a going home outfit......but I am taking about the same amount of clothes as u!

The whole BF thing is quite scary how much they push it but I'm hoping it's done in a supportive way and not a 'milk me like a cow' kindof way! lol

I notice it's not long for you now......good luck, hope it all goes smoothly! xxx

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