

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
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I am so tired this day :( Every time I've sat down today I've nearly fell asleep, if I didn't know better I'd think I was pregnant :eh: :lol:

This virus is still here so I think its mostly down to that :wall2:

Sickness is awful today too :wall2:

How's everyone else feeling?
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Lol and I thought we were supposed to start feeling a bit better by now! I volunteered to pick up paperwork from client this afternoon as I knew it wouldn't be ready and I could have a little nap in my car! So glad you mentioned you feeling so pooped too, I don't feel like such a wuss now! x x
Sorry to hear you still have a virus and sickness is bad.

My sickness has passed for the day :), but I have had terrible back ache since I got up, my boobies are very sore and I am getting what I am going to assume are stretching cramps. Oh and as per usual at this time of an evening the wind has started! Lol. But you know I am not complaining, just simply listing them.

Off to yoga soon and them home to bed I would imagine. It's a miracle if I can stay away past 9pm!

I am however wishing the week away for my Doctors appointment on Thurs.
I'm feeling so blah today :(

Where's all this energy I'm meant to get shortly? :lol:
I dont have my energy burst yet either......

and ive felt blergh today also.

Hugs to you.
Poor you Mamafy feeling so poorly!! I'm almost ashamed to say the only thing I'm suffering from is tiredness and sore boobs. Saying that it may not be a good thing and I've still a very long week to wait to find out :sad:
Hope you girls start feeling less Blergh and more yay!! soon
Im feeling very tired but think thats cause ive just finished 4 night shifts. keep feeling sick but not being sick (think that is worse!) having stomach cramps now and again, overall feeling pretty crap. sorry for the rant!. i hope you all feel better soon. someone told me the first twelve weeks are probably the worst for making you feel like this - (sorry first time mummy 2 b so no experiance at this) is this right?? xx
I am so tired between 1pm and 3 pm and then seem to get a burst of energy til 9pm then I have to get to bed so sleepy, I had terrilble terrible sickness til I started taking vitamin b6 every night and that seemed to take it away, forgot to take it on sunday night and was sick twice on Monday xx
I was feeling better and thought i was getting over the tired stage. Like you I have been feeling exhausted again the last two days. We did have a very chilled weekend (which isn't like us), which i am sure relaxing to much has caused me to be tired, LOL.
Hope you feel better soon.
has anyone tried these bands to stop the sickness. at mo just feeling sick and not being sick (dont know whats worse!) trying to eat reguarly and munching on ginger biscuits now and again but dont think they doing much good, any tips would be greatly accepted x:shock:
I'm very tired today and I was in bed by 10pm. Very very bloated, only sick the once so far. But generally not too bad, I am certainly not complaining. I cannot wait to get home and get to bed. I didnt cycle to work today as it was raining and I didnt think it wise to get soaked.

Hope everyone else is doing ok.
i hope you feel better soon

my wsickness seems to be getting worse:( don't help with not sleeping properly either,grrr lol
I've been eyeing up my duvet since 9am and my stomach is a churning :lol: Someone needs to tell the baby I'm 12 weeks today :rofl: Time to behave!
lol to right! my sickness has died down a little x

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