**NOW WITH PIC**! Anyone wanna guess how far gone we are? suspense is killing us! :)

Wow 3rd I'm struggling to handle the sickness hormones and nausea from just one!!! X
lol its been hard this week because they been off and i not been able to get a lot of rest. my sister lives near you she lives in coventry i used to hate driving over the bridge with like the little humps in and the noise would go on forever if you know witch on i am on about lol
Wow it really is hard work being a mom fairplay to you! Coventry ueah that's like 40 mins from me I know where u mean lol seems to be bumps everywhere round this way! X
I remember my 1st pregnancy i thought i was 11wks and then midwife sent off for a scan for me and it turned out i was only 7wks..i also had a bleed which lasted 3days which i thought was implantation but it just turned out to be a period!

Its hard to go off bump size as i have been big from 8wks and abbiecourt is big for 11wk (Lovely bump btw :) ) i hope the midwife can give you more information on wednesday hun!!
i had my scan hun they said i was 10 weeks at the time but i smoked a hell of a lot at start of my pregnancy so just wondering if that can affect the size of baby and give wrong dates on scans?

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