xXxX July Testing Thread xXxX 3 bfp!!!

Thanks for the baby dust, we all need it!
Hiya hun!

Can you put me down for the 29th please hunni!!! I will change it once I know when I've OV though because knowing my luck my cycle will be all messed up again!
Hi hun,

Can you put me down for the 10th please :) *scared*

Good luck to everyone :dust:

Pinky x
Okee dokee girlies!

All updated! As you can see I have delivered the first :bfn: for the month! Hopefully we will have loads of :bfp: to cheer me up!

Good luck girls!

Oh no sorry to hear that Flopsy :-( Sending you lots of :dust: for next month! Xx
Hey FB, how long is your cycle? Will you be testing again in July or will it be August for you now? So sorry to hear about bloody witch, early and everything! But all the sooner to ovulate again :-) Hope to see you with a bfp by end of the month xx
Hello the witch got me yeasterday earlier than expected but at least im back on 28 cycles instead of 32. I have just realised that i can test for next cycle on 30 july................... so can you please put me down for then..... not out for july yet. Going to cyprus on sunday so hubby wont know what hits him with all the bding ive got planned xxxxxxxxxx
Is it me or is there not many teasting this month ...................... come on girls give us your dates !!!!!! we can be there for eachother good or bad xx
Hi new on here but been TTC since march, am hoping this is my month for BFP!!

I have my fingers crossed for all of you

Baby Dust to all!!

x x
Sorry to hear that mushy1!! Hopefully you will still get your July :bfp: on the 30th!!

Good luck Claire85!!

Clem, my cycles seem to be between 29 and 32 days at the moment, so maybe due on the would be great if I get a :bfp: before the month is out!!

Good luck everyone!!

Looks like I'm out :-(
13th time lucky then hopefully!! Xx
Oh yes I'll get another chance this month... put me down for 31st! :-) Xx
Hi everyone,

I got married recently and my husband and I decided to start TTC pretty much straight away in case it takes a while. I came off the pill (Mercilon - been on it more than 10 years!) and so this is my first month TTC. Not really sure about cycles at all as no proper AF since coming off the pill as yet. Working on the basis of my AF after finishing the pill I reckon (if I have a 28 day cycle) she will be due again on 19th July. Not sure when I should be testing if she doesn't arrive! Any advice welcome...


Jodie x

Grump grump out yet again......... Sigh............. Who is doing August thread?

Hi Jodie, welcome xx We all start testing about 2 days before (and about every hour from then until AF comes! just kidding, but it does feel like that sometimes) Good luck!

Flopsybunny - I hope you get your bfp at end of the month, that would be perfect, and thank you for all the effort you put in running the thread xx
If there is no one else who can do the august thread I would like to volunteer (I am not on my holiday then, I go away in september). so please let me know if that would be ok. If flopsy wants to do it again, that would be nice too because she does such a good job!
sorry she got you clem she can be so sneaky at times x

Jodie I still have 2 days to go before af is due and have already gone through 5 tests ........ have only stopped as I am running out!!
im out im afraid :( oh well onto the next month

good luck to the rest

All updated girlies!! Good luck next month tgo all of us that the :witch: got, and hopefully we get a rush of :bfp:!!

Helen, I don't mind at all if you do the August thread, and thanks for saying I've done a good job! :)


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