xXx Newcomers to Tri 1 - *19* in Tri 1 now xXx ANY VOLUNTEERS TO TAKE OVER THREAD?xXx

Hi Everyone, I got a BFP on Sunday (22nd Aug) and I think due date is 5th of May - although slightly confused / concerned as had lots of preg symptoms four weeks before BFP but test was neg and had a 'very short' period in between so totally confused about due date?!.

I am like a lot of others in this thread - I have almost constant dull ache in tummy and am a little worried. Also reluctant to tell anyone other than Hubby as I can't believe this is real either. 3 home tests say it is. Going to the docs on Tuesday and will tell him about my concerns :-)

i'm hoping I have a better docs appt that some other ladies on here :-(

Hi claire

I've added you to the list; I'm going to the doctors on Tuesday too - it's great to be meeting so many ladies who are going through exactly the same thing!

Jodie x
I'm here!

I think my dates are..BFP 25th Aug, Due 6th May but I'm not 100% sure, something around that.

So so so so excited but about 10 times more scared. I have absolutely no symptoms so far which makes me nervous but it's great that there are so many of us all feeling the same things!

Can't wait for us ALL to make it through Tri 1


I've added you in - you are really close to Claire x
excited for all tri 1, love hearing from you all, but did any one get a bfp around the same time as me ? i dont think so LOL xxx

Surely there must be someone - any takers?
Hi jodie!

Yesh it's great to be able to see so many others going through things around the same time! Makes things alot easier when ur finding it tough!

So just wondered when everyone is going to the doctors? I'm booked in for Tuesday but expecting it to be a bit of a damp squib really as I have heard that they basically just pass you on to the midwife. Can't wait to get the scan date but I'm guessing we won't find that out for a while yet. Goodness it's going to be a long time until 12 weeks....
So just wondered when everyone is going to the doctors? I'm booked in for Tuesday but expecting it to be a bit of a damp squib really as I have heard that they basically just pass you on to the midwife. Can't wait to get the scan date but I'm guessing we won't find that out for a while yet. Goodness it's going to be a long time until 12 weeks....

I went to my docs last week, and although he didnt really do anything, he was really nice, and gave me loads of advice.
Seeing the midwife next week, got to take a urine sample, to do another test - will put my mind at ease once I meet her (or him! god, i hope its not a him!).

Even if your doc doesnt do anything, its just nice to know that you are in the system, and being processed!
So just wondered when everyone is going to the doctors? I'm booked in for Tuesday but expecting it to be a bit of a damp squib really as I have heard that they basically just pass you on to the midwife. Can't wait to get the scan date but I'm guessing we won't find that out for a while yet. Goodness it's going to be a long time until 12 weeks....

I called my doc yesterday and they just told me that they will pass my info on to the midwife and that the midwife will be in contact.
i then got a call back from my docs and she said, "right all done Beccy (midwife) will call you on Sunday" Sunday!?? bit of a weird day?? but hay, i do live in cornwall and down here well anything goes really. v strange place to live!
I saw my midfwife Thursday just gone, she took my blood, tested my wee and blood presure, went through loads of forms, weighed and measured me and gave me SEPT 20TH scan date!:) xxx
I saw my midfwife Thursday just gone, she took my blood, tested my wee and blood presure, went through loads of forms, weighed and measured me and gave me SEPT 20TH scan date!:) xxx

Omg, you have a SCAN DATE!!! How frickin exciting! Is it a bit strange that I look at this thread and get more excited about other people's pregnancies than I do about my own, lol!
Thank you Lea544, Yes it is very exciting. its the day after my little boys 4th birthday. I have to admit I was a bit gutted though as my specialist had recommended I had a scan next Friday and my GP said no:( so I have to wait 3 weeks now but hopefully it will be worth the wait :) xxx

P.s. I think its sweet that you are excited for everyone, I'm the same, I keep willing the tryers to get BFP and come join us xx
I saw my midfwife Thursday just gone, she took my blood, tested my wee and blood presure, went through loads of forms, weighed and measured me and gave me SEPT 20TH scan date!:) xxx

WOW you have a scan date! How exciting / I've started a list! I think it will make time pass quicker if we work through everyone elses scans together - before we know it it will be time for our own. So less than a month for yours!!! X
hi all 1st tri gals! plz can i add my date im a newbie to the forum and forums as a whole!! my due date is approx 12th may xx
hi all 1st tri gals! plz can i add my date im a newbie to the forum and forums as a whole!! my due date is approx 12th may xx

Yes of course hello and welcome! Everyone on here is really friendly and helpful x x
Congrats Constantstar!

Do you know when your due date would be?


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