X-Factor Should I or shouldnt I????


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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Ok I know I said all this last year and then chickened out, so this time im going to let you lot decide for me :lol:

My reasons for: Purely and simply because my eldest daughter applied on my behalf this year, and I would like to do it for her

My reasons against: Im a little scared of making a fool of myself, and IF I did do well, I refuse to let anyone tell me what to do/how to dress etc etc.
If you can sing, perform and have great presence then why the hell not?

Go for it GGG!!!!!!!
Thanks :)

Im just so worried i'll be one of those really bad auditions that we all love to laugh at :lol: :lol:
I like clicking buttons!!! :cheer:

Seriously, I am not sure what to advise. I personally couldn't as I would be scared of making a fool of myself - they edit the auditions so cleverly for maximum embarrassment!

HOWEVER!!! I can't sing or perform - if you can, you should go for it and have a fun!
I don't know

On one hand, you have a talent, and it would be a fantastic opportunity, on the other...well look how some people are made fools of..on saying that most of them are foolish people to start off with!

So I suppose, why not? You can pull our any time you feel uncomfortable :D
If you can then do! You will be kicking yourself for the rest of the year if you don't always thinking "that could be me" have you got anything of you singing so we can have a preview?
lfc_sarah said:
Can you sing? :)

Thats the $100 question :lol:

I enjoy it, but I cant belt out belters....I dont have a "bog ole voice" as they put it :|
Definately go for it! Life's too short for what ifs :hug:
I think you should deffo go for it

I would love to but havent got the guts so I think you should do it for everyone out there who has talent but sits there and ums and ahs about it cos they dont have the confidence.

You have nothing to lose and i bet you would be fab!

Ok, so if you are a good singer, and have been told by people who you trust to be completely honest with you then yes I would go for it.

The only way you'll make a fool of yourself is if you really can't sing and don't have anyone who will tell you.

What have you got to lose?

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