wud have been nice if she had asked


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2011
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I know it can b hard to have a relationship with a pregnant woman when u are ttc,I understand that u may want to distance yourself ..but my brother in laws wife has never asked how I am or how the pregnacy is going ! I spoke 2 her twice this week first when she called to wish me a happy anniveray and then we called to wish then a happy anniversary we got married 9 th of may them the 11 th but it was 9 year anniversary for them !!! I dont want her to b fake about it nor do i want her to feel hurt but ! how r u and baby would have been fine ..or r my being unreasonable
Its not asking a lot of someone to ask how you're doing, but I can also see her side (don't hate me) because if she's TTC it probably breaks her heart knowing ur pg when she's not, so maybe ignoring it is her way of dealing with it?

My SIL, who isn't TTC and has 2 kids has never asked how I'm feeling but I don't even let her annoy me xx

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yes true it probly hurts her alot they been trying for years :( I didnt make a fuss of it ! i am sure she will get used to the idea my brother in law my husbands brother her husband is rather excited about it
My sister in law has 2 kids of her own and has never even said congratulations!! It's weird! Sometimes sil's are just weird! Xx
Also, some people do just genuinely forget I think, especially on the phone. They're so wrapped up in thir own lives and problems that what is the most important thing to us doesn't even register.

I'm afraid it's the same after you've given birth. People I have long called friends who I thought would genuinely care for and want to be involved in my sons life have just fAllen by the wayside. Everyone follows a different path x
yes i true carrying our little ones is everything to us but to others it s nothing.
i always found it hard when friends were getting pregnant whilst it took us 3 years but oh and i always asked how they were and went down to there houses to visit when they couldnt get out towards the end of the pregnancy and after
I dont let it bother me. If they aren't interested then their loss not mine c
I think the reason we feel this way is that the baby and the pregnancy is on our minds 24/7, so when people don't ask, we can't figure out why as we are constantly thinking about something pregnancy related.

One of my best friends never asks about the pregnancy, never texts or calls, and I have only seen her twice since being pregnant. It bothers me that she's not interested, but there's nothing you can do, some people just aren't interested for one reason or another.

When we were TTC I found it hard when people announced pregnancies, and we weren't even trying that long, but I would always say congratulations and would always show an interest. I suppose people deal with things in different ways x
yes i guess we r all differnt I would always congrat ppl and as how they feel but we all cope in differnt ways x
In my opinion there is no excuse.

I had three miscarriages last year (In May, September and November) my sister, S-I-L and two friends all had babies announed pregnancies around the time of my losses yet I never once let that effect my relationships with these people?

Yes it hurt that one friend had a due date the week after what would have been my due date if my first pregnancy had progressed, but it wasn't her fault and it certianly wasn't her babies fault!

I made a huge effort to be involved with my friends and families pregnancies, even though sometimes it did hurt.

I feel sorry for your S-I-L. I have 3 nephews and being an Aunty is an amazing honour - something she'll miss out on if she isn't careful

In my opinion there is no excuse.

I had three miscarriages last year (In May, September and November) my sister, S-I-L and two friends all had babies announed pregnancies around the time of my losses yet I never once let that effect my relationships with these people?

Yes it hurt that one friend had a due date the week after what would have been my due date if my first pregnancy had progressed, but it wasn't her fault and it certianly wasn't her babies fault!

I made a huge effort to be involved with my friends and families pregnancies, even though sometimes it did hurt.

I feel sorry for your S-I-L. I have 3 nephews and being an Aunty is an amazing honour - something she'll miss out on if she isn't careful

i think that is amazing of u xx

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