WTF is going on? Should I be worried - TMI warning


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2011
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So, i generally have a 29day cycle. been ttc for 3 months. this month:

cd 14 - ovulated
cd 15
cd 16
cd 17
cd 18
cd 19 spotting
cd 20 spotting
cd 21 spotting
cd 22 spotting
cd 23 spotting
cd 24 spotting
cd 25 spotting
cd 26 started really heavy painful period

I never ever have started spotting this early or for so long before a period. It is so heavy today I am changin my pad every 3ish hours, passing lots of stringy bits and clots and the pain is relentless. I am taking paracetamol and ibroprofen on rotation every few hours and using a hot water bottle and it is just taking it away enought o function normally. My periods are generally super tampon heavy and a few ibroprofen for a day or two - nothing like what is happening now.

Should I be worried - I took preggo test on days 22-25 which were all negative. Sorry for rambling just somethign i have never experienced before.
I have this sometimes babes.

Like out of nowhere I'll have a mega period.

And I've only been TTC for 1 month so it wasn't because of chemical pregnancy or anything.

Maybe just hormones due to stress or being a bit run down or something?

I'm of the opinion it's good to have a good clear out now and then!! Lol.
Hiya. Thanks for replying. Its kind of calmed down a tiny bit now but still far from normal for me. Maybe it is a clear out in preperation of a bfp next month lol! Xx
I think so hun, it's just a good ol clear out so it's nice and fresh for you're little bean to snuggle down xxx
hey hun, last two cycles ive experience spotting first time was 2/3 days then af not that heavy but quite a bit and then last cycle 5 and half days of spotting then very heavy af as i leaked through tampax in work, never happend when i was on pill, i was confused by it all too but must be body adjusting to not long off pill. hope you're ok, fx for your bf next cycle :)
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