Wow little things are getting so hard now!


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2010
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Wow am suddenly noticing how hard things are becoming! Not just a little uncomfortable but really damn hard!!

Went out with hubby this afternoon just to do a few errands and boy was it hard! We don't drive so it was buses here and there and walking around town and supermarket, and we ended up out for 4 hours.

By the end of it I felt so utterly exhausted and quite faint! Lately I've been feeling faint alot when I'm out but I thought it was lack of food...but today I think it was just due to being on my feet for so long! I was in agony with my SPD and totally seizing up while I stood waiting for a bus (no seats at stop) back and hips were aching so much! My bump really does weigh a tonne now and carrying him around is becoming really hard work! I think if I carry on like this I'll end up housebound for the last couple of weeks as getting out and about is really getting harder and harder each day!! xx
I'm exactly the same! We only went to Costco today and it Left me completely shattered! All I've done is sit on the couch since aching constantly! I've loved being pregnant, but gotta admit I amvery much looking forward to getting my body back! X
Im only 31 weeks and im feeling it already!

I dont drive and i love getting out and about - to town, to lunch, the library, shopping, etc etc especially now the weather is so nice but i have to plan how long ill be out now/where the nearest toilet is/how easily ill get home etc its such a pain! x
It's so true I even find getting in and out.the bath does me in x x
I'm really struggling too. I normally spend my weekends catching up with friends etc but nowadays I try to make sure I have one free day at the weekend so I can do nothing.
Just walking round the supermarket does me in nowadays and I find I can't get through the day without a nap!
I'm struggling too and also don't drive but I can't stand being stuck in the house either. Just walking about town is knackering me out. I felt like an old woman the other day!

I'm struggling too and also don't drive but I can't stand being stuck in the house either. Just walking about town is knackering me out. I felt like an old woman the other day!

Im always saying i feel like an old woman! This experience has not made me look forward to getting old!!:shock: x
I've just been told I have gestational diabetes so my only joy (chocolate) is now denied :brat: I think it is also to blame for making me just feel so tired all the time - just can't be arsed to do anything. Apparently (from net research, not seeing people till next week) it'll be treated by diet n exercise but also got SPD and a brutal belt thing so not looking forward to that. I just can't wait to be on my maternity!!

So I feel your pain ladies!
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I've just been told I have gestational diabetes so my only joy (chocolate) is now denied :sob: I think it is also to blame for making me just feel so tired all the time - just can't be arsed to do anything. Apparently (from net research, not seeing people till next week) it'll be treated by diet n exercise but also got SPD and a brutal belt thing so not looking forward to that. I just can't wait to be on my maternity!!

So I feel your pain ladies!

Ok hun I dunno why I'm moaning because you've got it a lot worse than me!!!! *hugs*
Aw no, there's always worse-off people around, we've all got to moan to make ourselves feel better!
In all honesty, putting knickers on is a ball ache for me. SPD is really out to make us look like fools, FOOLS I tell you!! Lol

Everything is a struggle hun, fully agreed. I do drive and getting in and out of the car is an absolute JOKE!!

I look particularly sexy putting my booties on - they're quite new so quite a struggle to get my foot in properly and have to bend over and grunt and wiggle a bit to get them on :rofl:

Oh and the SPD belt gives a muffin top arse effect under clothes - sexxxxxy!
I'm exactly the same, we went into town today to do some shopping and get the food shop and my sciatica kept taking my legs from under me and everything ached. When I got in I had lunch and went to bed for 5 hours!

I'm taking the stance that I should just relax from now on. I looked in my notes earlier and saw that midwife had put my hb level in there which she hadn't done before so looked it up and I'm borderline anemic (she didn't even tell me despite me complaining of being tired all the time) and on top of the gestational diabetes diagnosis this week I just think stuff it I need some me time!

Take care of yourselves ladies x
My turn to moan :) -

I'm finding loads really difficult now, my SPD is making stuff really hard. I feel as though I should be full term by the way I'm struggling to move about. I drive and getting in and out of car is a pain, literally! Lol
Don't know about yous but, I have the most understanding OH ever and he will do anything for me but I don't think they fully understand the weight we carry. As I wrote in another thread, we came through to edinburgh for the day/night and we walked for miles, and I mean miles. I have a blister on my foot. I just don't think they completely get it, so I explained to him lastnight that after lots of walking, my bump aches, my spd kicks in with avengance and my feet are aching from taking the weight. I had to go for a bath before going for a meal lastnight to try and ease the aches to go out for round 2.
Oh my god this is probably the longest moan in this thread and I've only just started. Ill stop and leave the rest of the moans for another thread :) xx
Im starting to struggle now aswell... some days im fine but others my bump aches so much just doing the housework. my hubby is fab though and helps me as much as he can, unfortunately hes at work most the time. He always asks whats wrong but just doesnt understand it just aches and is heavy. Getting socks and shoes on is hard work.. and if i wake up on my back in the morning take me ages to try and lift myself out of bed lol Ahh well 5 weeks today left for me (hopefully)
I know that I'm normally very lucky in that OH works from home so has been doing most of the manual stuff for me like hoovering and cleaning out all our animals, but he's gone away for 2 weeks today so some how I've got to do it all by myself too now. Might be pulling in some favours from family and friends to help me.
I feel your pain ladies! I seem to have good days and bad days too - especially with the SPD pain, but am definitely finding walking around harder and harder...although in fact even just sitting down for long periods is getting hard! Have church this afternoon and sitting on hard chairs for over 2 hours is so uncomfortable and makes me seize up. It really is getting to the stage where you can just never get comfy!! xx

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