Wow... I now have 22 baby fishies lol :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
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Hey all.
Prob seem a pointlesss post to most of you but hey ho lol.

Well we have recently took up a new hobby which is keeping tropical fish lol... It is rather addictive actually lol.

Well we have a 3ft fish tank with a variety of a few different kinds of fish... Well on Monday i thought i seen something in the tank which turned out to be a little tiny baby fishy lol.
So upon looking a little harder we kept coming across other ones, At the end of it we had 7 in total and we thought that was the last but then Thursday night OH found another 2 and then Friday i found another one so then we had 10 in total...!!
After not seeing anymore for a couple of days we thought that was it until this morning when we got up,
I was in the middle of feeding the fishies (as i do every morning) when i seen another little tiny baby...
To cut a long story short we moved a few of the ornaments and had a good look to find that we were fishing many more out lol. We now have a total of 22 baby fishies.
The ones we found this morning are slightly smaller than the ones we found through the week so we think that another fish has give birth and by the looks of things theres a few more fishies that look like they are almost ready to pop.

Thank god we bought another tank on friday lol... If they keep going the way they are at the minute we will have to turn the spare room into am 'Aquarium fishy' room lol.

Sorry if nobody is interested but i dont really have anything else to talk about at the moment lol...

Does anybody else keep tropical fish?

Amy xx
we had tropical fish and have now ,moved onto malawi's. wood of warning i would set up the other tank and put the babies in there as the other fish will eat them optherwise. not nice i know but we lost all our babies we had because we didn't move them.

they are so cute. xxxx
Hey thanks for the reply...

They are all safe in a hatchery while we cycle the other tank. Sorry to here u lost all of yours.
We recently got rid of a load of cichlids and a malawi mbuna (sp) as they were far to viscious for us lol and we wanted some communal fish..

I really enjoy just sitting watching them lol. xxx
We've been keeping fish for about 4 years. Just upgraded tank last week to 190l corner tank cos some of our fish were getting way too big for our previous one. We have one fish which is about 12 inches long called something like a Placo - it eats the algae off the tank. None of our fish have ever bred in all the years we've had them. :-(

Love sitting watching the fish. So relaxing :)
Aw cool :).
Is the fish your on about called a plec? If it is i know what you mean and they do grow rather big lol.
AW.... Im sorry to here that none of them have bred, hopefully they will. What kind of other fish do you have?

Yeah me too, I love sitting in fromt of the tank just watching them but most of the time i end up falling asleep lol. Thanks for the reply... Amy xx
My dad used to do this, we got a baby tank for inside the actual tank, and when they were being born they just came out as little balls and then kind of popped open :lol: I loved it! xx
A few baby fish escaped once though and I was like a ninja with the net trying to catch them before the big fish got to them :lol: Do you have any siamese fighting fish? My dad got 2 males, clever man lol
Lol. No we dont have any siamese fighting fish lol. I take it the 2 males are very aggresive? lol.
Both times we have found our babys in the tank so i think they have been giving birth either through the night or when where not watching lol. They tend to like the dark and what not. I know what you mean about them coming out in a ball and popping open lol... Its madness.. xx
The little tank we got, had a kind of ledge for the mummy to rest on and had lots of holes along it for the baby fish to go through, which dropped into a separate bit for the babies, we had a crazy amount of them so got this so we weren't constantly watching.. The 2 siamese fish basically fought to the death, they have beautiful floaty fins, we thought they were sick (we assumed they were male and female) the fins became quite stiff and they were going at eachother constantly, I love the little neons, really brighten up the tank.. It's hard work though don't think I would take it on myself x
Yeah we have one of them little tanks your on about its called a hatchery lol. We havent put any certain fish in here to give birth as of yet as we never know which one is about to have them and to be honest we dont even know which is the mother to the ones we already have as none have really gone back to thin lol.
The little neons are really cute, My mam has some, Also we were wanting some but there meant to be kept in a minimum of 6 i think.
I wouldnt say it is really hard work but i suppose you do have to have plenty time to do water changes and cycling etc..

I really enjoy keeping them.. I must get that off my mam lol as she has had them for almost all of her older life lol. Amy xx
We had some tropical fish but my brothers just turned the tank into a marine one so we have clown fish an stuff now. I love watching them and so does my lo she's always say staring at them laughing.

Ha ha bless her, I have seen some of the marine fish you can get and some of them are so beautiful :) x
Hey all :).

We we now have a total of 23 babies lol.

As i was feeding them this morning i seen one hiding underneath one of the ornaments we have in there......
I would say it has definitly done well at survivng in the main tank as if any of the bigger fish had spyed it we would still only have 22 lol.

Just thought i would update lol. Amy xx
Yip the fish we have is the Plac, we have 3 of them - 1 is 12 inches, 1 about 6 inches and 1 smaller one which is catching up fast now that we have more space for them. Also have neons, kissing grannies, Angel fish, Bala Sharks, Tetras, Clown Loaches and Guppies. Think I've got them all there lol
Aw cool.... We got 2 Angel fish a couple of weeks ago but we had to get rid of them as one of them killed a guppy. You have a fair variety there lol. x
Hey all.

Just thought i would let you all know that another one of my fishies gave birth to another 5 babies early hours of this morning.

I managed to catch 4 of them as she was giving birth to them and i found one in the gravel, So happy days
. lol. xx

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