all my fishes have died :(


LOL, familiar story! My parents bought me a 2 ft tank when I was about 7 with some goldfish an a small box filter (do u remember those little white boxes with the filter wool & carbon chips??!!). By the time I was 16 I had 3 tanks at my parents :D When I moved the UK I didn't have a tank as I was a student and moving accommodation every year, but then when I started work my colleagues (for my birthday) bought me a goldfish in a plastic bowl. Now, I HATE fish in bowls, so I went out and bought it a 3ft tank full set-up. The blasted thing then went & died on me!! Sold that tank and then when hubby & I bought our home about 8 years ago he got me the juwel vision 180 which is a great tank because of the bow front.

Roll on the new house coz I'm going to get a nice big marine tank set up :D

A nano as a night light - what a fab idea!!
Best piece of advice for those wanting a marine fish tank.........

Research before each and every purchase and never, ever impulse buy!

I wasted so much money and had so many things die on me before heeding that advice, sometimes all it takes is one new addition to wipe out the whole tank :wall:

Oh, and be prepared for the expense, marine is not a cheap hobby. That little Nano reef cost about £600 to set up and about £25/week to run, I won't even scare you with how much the big reef was and cost to run :talkhand:

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