Would you have a second reassurance due to dissapeared symptoms?

maybe baby

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2010
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Hi Girls :)

I spoke to my midwife and told her I was a bit worried about my symptoms having disappeared for the last week and she said I could have another scan on Monday 8 days before my 12 week one....

I have no bleeding and a little cramping, would you take up the offer??

Am I being silly worrying about my symptoms going at 10 weeks??

Is it worth it so I don't spend the next week worrying??


I would jump at the chance if they gave me one I'm having trouble even chasing up my 12 week scan. X
The more scans the better !!

I have 5 weeks between my private one and my 12 week one and if I have any worries I'll book another private scan in-between :shock:

So annoyed that given my history I haven't been able to get an early scan on NHS, but I'll happily pay whatever it costs for peace of mind!

Best of luck

Sorry my post above sounds so petulant and spoilt.

I know the NHS are vastly underfunded and oversubscribed when it comes to early pregnancy care and I know if there were any problems the EPU would be amazing as they have been previously....

I should consider myself lucky I don't need their assistance

Omg I'd jump at that! I'm getting very impatient waiting til my 12 week scan but I'm going to try and hold out and not go for a private scan xx
Eek! Thanks girls I guess I'll go for it then, only thing is hubby can't come, my mum can though, also what if they cancel the 12 week one? Im meant to have the nuchal scan then too.

Carnat, you're not sounding spoilt at ALL if I was you I'd be demanding one for sure!! Have you asked both your gp and you hospital doc assuming you've got one? :)

Nat - do what I did. ..

Go to the docs and burst in to tears and scare them into giving you a scan :rotfl:

It wasn't my plan, but its what happened and I got to make sure peanut was ok xx
Maybe.....they wont cancel the 12 week scan as on Monday from what Ive been told you wont be far enough on to have the nuchal scan. I was told and have read you need to be 11 + 4 for them to do this.xx
Take the free scan, if your worried your better having it. Loss if symptoms is one of the things that gets you referred to the epu here. I would just to see LO again :)

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