Reassurance needed!!


New Member
Feb 22, 2012
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Hi everyone,

I'm currently 12 weeks pregnant and have first scan next week, I'm feeling really nervious and worried that there won't be a heartbeat, I had a scan at 9 weeks and all was fine, I've had no bleeding but it worries me that I have had no pregnancy symptoms, has anyone else not had symptoms but gone on to have a successful pregnancy?

Dont worry about not having any symptoms with my first i had no symptoms at all, and now i have a healthy nearly 4 year old running around some people dont have any symtoms at all and go onto have very healthy pregnancys i have an app on my phone and it says that less than 65% of people have sickness, fatigue ect i sometimes have to admit im jealous of people that dont have any symptoms as i have sickness and tiredness and constant nausea so bad that sometimes i can only eat one proper meal every 2/3days and surviving off a peice of toast a day try to stop worrying as im sure bubba is fine specially if you have seen the heartbeat xx
There's quite a few girls on here who have had no symptoms and been fine at their 12 week scans hun! My mum had 4 kids and no symptoms with 3 of us, and only sick twice with the other one. Its only normal to worry, but if you saw the heartbeat at 9 weeks and have had no bleeding cramps etc since then its very likely that everythings fine hun! Then you can enjoy the fact that you're past 12 weeks and considered 'safe' yay! :)

Good luck hun let us know how it goes! Xx
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Thank you for posting, its what I needed to hear, I think because me and my husband have had fertility treatment it means so much to me!
the placenta takes over at roughtly 10 weeks maybe a little nefore or after so symptoms do tend to fade. hope all goes well and enjoy it x
All my symptoms stopped at 9 weeks, not that I was getting many to start with tbh. My scan at 12 weeks showed a healthy baby wriggling around and I was even moved forward 5 days too. Now I just have occasional symptoms and an aversion to meat :(.

I got very nervous before the scan and was soooo relieved after. :)

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