*** Would you benefit from having a premature baby area?***

I have been thinking and wondering, would anyone else benefit from having a premature baby section?

Being a parent of a preemie sometimes has many different hurdles to overcome than 'normal' term babies. It can be scary seeing a baby in SCBU and not knowing many people who have been there it is very isolating.

There are many health problems that come with preemies, a big problem seeming to be reflux which I now have a wealth of knowledge about (although reflux is not isolated to premature babies). Development issues can come up too, and seeing other babies full term the same age do things first can be dishearteing and leaving you wonder when you're baby will do it, even though you try not to worry.

Would it help to have a section for preemie mums and their babies? And a place for those who are pregnant to come and ask advice if they are facing having a premature baby for whatever reason? Or are we so few and far between it's not worth it?! Please let me know in the poll, and any feedback would be greatly appreciated :)
I think it would be handy to have....
It might not get used as often as other bits, but wouldn't harm having it there

i think yes. i had two prems but i dont have many probs with them but ild be good at giving info. and the things to expect.
it will be great to see how small they were and how worried we were and how they have come along way.
i thought Dior was going to be slow at everything and strugglied with her but shes a lil star now :angel:
Same Dionne, Damien took forever to grasp things, when he didn't smile for so long it was breaking my heart seeing everyone elses babies smile, but my baby couldn't do it because he was premature. I still blame myself for it. Damien was a dot, amazing to think he is so big now, and so cheeky! I remember wishing him to cry so much, or just let out a noise coz he never made a peep for weeks, and now he shouts at me and I wish he'd be quiet :lol:
Yes, I feel lucky to have made it full term when I was told to anticipate a premmie and I would've loved a section to have helped me prepare for the possibility.
yes i think it wud be a great idea!!!

i havent had a preemi baby, but if i was to have one the support in a specific area from other parents who had been thru it wud be fantastic!!
I think it's a good idea. Nathan was born 5 weeks early luckily he didnt have nothing wrong with him but it will be good to have a section for us mums with preemies.
ye definetly gr8 idea sami ive got a preemie n i havent got a clue n its gr8 to talk to sami she knows sooooooooo much lol and its good to know im not the only one i thought id be all on my lonesome :(

so i think YES!!!!!!!!

luv b x
I think it would be a good idea, it may not be as popular as some of the sections of the forum, but who knows, it may draw in new members!
I think it would be great for moms to be and moms of preemies alike...if i havnt had enough information on 1 thing its what to expect if my baby is premature, and how to deal with it.

I have had no information whatsoever on it in the 31 weeks i have been pregnant, so if i was to have my baby prem i would completely be in the dark and shitting myself when that shouldnt be so!
:clap: great idea Sami xx
i think it would be a great idea hun after hearing everything u N damien have been thro if i ever went thro that id find it good to be able to speak to some one with expriance like u n other mums
I think its a fabulous idea Sami, to echo the other girls, although it may not be used as much as some of the other areas, it is going to be an essential area for those mums (& dads) who want to seek support and advice.

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