dear me i am not feeling myself today. i woke up at 6am for another toilet visit and had a really sore arm, think ive been sleeping on it funny. started feeling period type pains in my stomach that seemed to come and go for a few mins. think my mind is playing tricks on me. when i got up my back, goodness, was killing me. still is. plus i have a pain right under my rib cage. when i got out of bed babys back seemed to be on my right side. i asume thats what it was coz i had a huge solid bulge down my right side, now it seems to have gone back to its normal side on the right. is this normal for the baby to move so dramatically? i know there isnt much room in my womb and am a bit scared, probably just worrying about nothing and its probably not even the baby moving from side to side but with this being my first i dont know what to think, feeling major fed up. hurt all over and just wanna cry. oh hell ive started myself off.
gonna go for a bath now as i got my tour round hospital at 3 and everything seems to take that much longer to do now. sick of hardly being able to put my socks on. argh here i go again
gonna go for a bath now as i got my tour round hospital at 3 and everything seems to take that much longer to do now. sick of hardly being able to put my socks on. argh here i go again