Would have been my lost Bean's due date yesterday..

Anna Marie

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2005
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Just felt really sad all day, I know I should be thinking about future and this little Bod inside me instead of those I lost in the past but its very hard to let go sometimes.

We planted a tree when i m/c last August in little Bean's memory.. so yesterday I just stood in the garden like an idiot talking to this poor bedraggled tree.. and it was snowing.. felt very strange but I am glad I marked the occasion somehow.

I think that's a lovely idea.

Your not an idiot.

(((Hugs to you)))
Hi hun I think the tree was a lovely idea. I got 2 little star tattoo's for the 2 beans I lost in 2004. 1st bean was due on Valentines day 2005, would have been turning 1 this year. Last year I blubbed my eyes out, this year was still sad, but it's easier to cope with now.

(((((hugs )))))))

big hugs to you anna marie hun xxxxxxxxx
(((Anne Marie))). I think the tree is a beautiful idea, and it is lovely that you remembered your little bean on their due date. They were part of you, and are still with you. Yes look forward to the future but it is ok to remember those you have lost. Take care hun xxx
my little bean was due on the 8th and like you i just felt wired all day. your tree was a lovely idea i wish i had something to look at. but i did think that i was lucky to have another little bean inside me now and i guess that made things a little easier for me.

lots of love to you
sarah x
thanks for all your kind messages.. :)

Sarah.. sorry you had a sad day last week.. it is strange but yes you are right about having a positive outlook being pregnant again but I think that only when this little Bod is born will I be truly happy and excited again!!

Sami, if I had the balls I would have had tattoos.. I really wanted one when I had my second miscarriage but I shaved my hair off instead as a gesture.. living in NY at time so anything goes blah blah!!! I kept it like that until I no longer felt sad when I saw myself in mirror and remembered then I grew my hair again. I hope that you start to feel better about your losses.. especially your most recent one.. I know that it must have been so sad and having Damien must be a huge comfort to you and Mark. xx

Wobbles, Beanie and Rach.. thanks xx
Anna Marie - what a lovely idea to plant a tree. When my dad died my mum planted a plant outside our front door from a selection he had given her when he was alive and it is still growing today 15 years later!

Heres to the future!
L x
:) I agree that it is a wonderful idea to plant a tree in memory of your little one,there is always somewhere you can go and think and talk if you need to,and you certainly are not an idiot.
Sending you lots of love and hugs...
Bagpuss xx
Thanks Lisa and Bagpuss...

I think even if we move house we will be taking that little tree with us!! I know that in time I will feel less but until then.. that little tree will get lots of attention :wink: :wink:
Sorry Anna Marie, somehow I completely missed this thread.

I think the tree is a lovely idea, and you were not being silly at all standing outside talking to it. I hope you are feeling a little better now hun.

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