Worst weekend of my life!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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Hiya everyone... i havent really been online since before the weekend... ive been really ill. going to tell u the story of my horrible weekend now! soz if its long!!
my mum & dad got back from hols on friday and id been having stabbing pains in my stomach since thursday night and it was really tender, i thought they were just braxton hicks. then on friday night they got worse, was just like a constant stabbing pain but still i just didnt think anything of it. on saturday i woke up feeling sick and still had the constant pain in my stomach. i had sickness & diarhoea (sp?) on saturday and was still in loads of pain. i took some paracetamol which took the edge off the pain and my mum took me out 2 get my pram as a treat which was great :D on sunday i was so much worse, could barely move and was just crying loads. the docs have an emergency surgery at 10 on a sunday morning out here so my mum took me up. the doctor was useless and just said to rest, take it easy and its probs just a faze and they might be braxton hicks. my blood pressure was slightly raised so he said to call the midwife the next day to get my blood pressure checked again. i came away feeling stupid and like i was worrying over nothing.
so 2day my mum rang the midwife 2 ask if she could see me. the midwife went mad when my mum told her about the doctor. apparently the doctor is supposed to ring the midwife on call if any pregnant lady goes into see him. she was the midwife on call yesterday and the doctor didnt ring her. so i went up 2 see her this afternoon, she checked me over, asked about about the pain in my stomach and she seemed worried. said my stomach was really tense and she was concerned. she sent me to the hospital to get checked over. when i got there i got hooked up to a CTG machine (i think thats what its called... i might have got the letters wrong but u no wot i mean lol) then i had a scan, had to give a urine sample, they took blood, gave me an internal and then hooked me back up to the machine while they waited for my bloods to come back.
anyways, everything came back fine. im not in labour, and i dont think they are too worried about anything happening anytime soon, something to do with my cervix :? they wanted me to stay in to monitor me because they dont understand what the pain is. i can feel the pain and its awful, i just feel like people think im making it up! they probs dont but when they tell u everything is fine and they dont no what the pain is it makes u feel like that!! they wanted me to stay in but id rather stay at home & just relax. although now im wondering whether i should have stayed in cuz im still not 2 good. they gave me magnesium tablets to take but im not sure why, i forgot to ask, sounds stupid but after being in there for hours, i just wanted to get home!! they said to come straight back if the pain gets worse, i can see myself having to go back later tonight because im still in alot of pain.
so that was my horrible weekend!! soz its sooo long!!
hope everyone is ok... just going to read some posts and see what ive missed!!
hayley xx
Awww my goodness Hayley!

I hope you feel better soon - at lease now your midwife has seen you. Hope that doctor gets a serious ass kicking!!

Keep us updated how you are.

Sorry to hear you've been poorly and hope you feel better soon. I'm sure they don't think you're making it up. Maybe you've had a stomach bug or something. I had one when I was about 25 weeks (either that or food poisoning, they weren't sure) and I was in agony and my stomach was so sore. They said I was probably bruised inside from the diahorrea and sickness and your stomach being bashed about a bit. from wretching etc.

Really hope you're better soon though. Its horrible being poorly when you're pregnant.

Anyway, what pram did you get. I'm guessing your parents are really supportive etc?

Tan x
Sorry to hear you have had a crappy weekend........Glad your feeling better now.

Take it easy

Amy xx
Oh Hayley you poor thing! I did wonder where you had been. You keep rested girly! ;) *hugz* xx
aww hayley i'm so sorry, i hope you feel better soon
oohh hayley what a weekend you've had... hope the pains ease up! try not to worry yourself too much. Poor you! try to relax - put your feet up and don't lift a finger... now your mums back i'm sure she'll look after you. Let us know how you get on.

hi babes thanks for texting me
and sorry your feeling so crap i hope as u aint been online since yesturday means tht your not back in hospital
hope u feel better soon babe
love Sarah and Braydon
Thanks everyone :D I'm not really feeling much better today, my stomach is still really sore. The midwife rang this morning to see how i was feeling which was nice. She said if im still feeling awful when i see her on friday for my anti- d injection they will probably send me back up to the hospital. She thinks it could be because he is still breech and is getting bigger and making my muscles stretch alot more than they normally would. She said im all bump at the front & thats probs not helping. I asked how long they would let this go on for because he is only going to get bigger and i feel awful still and she said they would try and wait till at least 36/37 weeks. I've got another scan next week that was book ages ago to see if hes still breech but i really dont think he will move now. When i had the scan yesterday he looked like he really didnt have enough room to turn and have his head down... but i suppose ill see!! I could tell when i was in hospital that they thought i could have pre- eclampsia... they kept asking if i was having headaches, swelling, and they took my blood pressure like 3 or 4 times... think i was there about 4 hours. Last night i was so tired and fell asleep so early, i even missed big brother!! lol had to watch it this morning!! My mum nearly took me back to the hospital in the early hours of this morning. i got up to go to the toilet at about 2 and when i got back in bed i felt like i couldnt move... the pain hurt so much it made me cry. my mum came rushing in and said she was going to take me back but i took some paracetamol and it felt a bit better and i could at least sleep. was awful!!

Yeh Tan the midwife asked if i could have food poisoning but i really didnt no... but at the hospital they never asked anything like that... thought they would have asked that aswell?? I got a gorgeous pram... i wanted a mamas and papas one but you cant get them out here :( the only ones they have that are similar to england are the quinny ones!! I'll take some piccies of it later & show you all. Yeh my parents and whole family really are very supportive, its great and i dont worry about things as much.

I have rested quite alot, my mum wont let me do anything but shes at work during the day so ive been doing some tidying today. I have this thing where i hate dirt... my dad thinks ive got OCD lol but i dont i just cant stand things being messy and dirty! Im ok now... still very tender and in pain but i feel alot better in myself :) i dont no if ill see the end of the week before being back in hospital but fingers crossed i will!!

Thanks for all your kind words :D I dunno what id do without this forum!!

Hayley xx
hayley..stop cleaning hun you should be resting if you still feel rough!!
your getting your nesting instinct or something! lol
i feel so sorry for you, to think i was moaning about swollen ankles! it would scare me if you had LO coz your due the day after me...i'm so not prepared for baby to come early! it scares the heck outta me!

Now stop cleaning and rest yourself up!!!
HAYLEY HAYLEY HAYLEY dont make me sound like ur mum lol! sit doewn n watch BB on e4
hope u start to feel better but if not go to hospital it aint fair on u to be in pain
lmao yeh ive stopped cleaning up... my brother is taking the dog out too so i dont have to do anything. i hate not doing anything though... its so boring but im just going to sit down and relax and watch BB :D!!

my mum thinks im getting my nesting instinct too fran lol im not prepared for baby to come early either :? so im really hoping everything will be ok!! Its over 30 degrees here today... am so hot... hate this heat... and being in pain just makes me feel worse :( if i still feel awful i might get mum to take me back up 2 hospital when she finishes work... will see how i feel.

hayley xx
oh hayley

poor you, i have only just got my internet working again, so only just read your post.

hope you are feeling a bit better, stretching pains are a killer and the bigger the baby gets the more it feels like having hulk hogan in your belly!! haha so i can only imagen what pain you are in!!! :shock:

shame he is still breech, little bugger!! so you might end up having him before me!!! hehe ... exciting, have you packed your labour bag yet? i really need to get that sorted!!

What a time youve had hun you poor thing. Make sure you get lots of rest if its to do with your cervix. No running around (if its physically possible at 34 weeks!) and and sit on your bum lots! Look after yourself, and dont forget to get your butt back to hospital if you have anymore pains! xxxx
Well im quite annoyed with the hospital today... i had my appointment with the midwife today for my anti- d and stuff and when she was asking how i was feeling she really surprised me. Apparently at the hospital they were really worried that i was in early labour and that is why they gave me the magnesium tabs, to keep me pregnant for longer. They never said anything like this to me, they said everything was ok and they let me go home!! I was so shocked when she said it, i thought she was kidding, but she was being really serious. I no they might have not wanted to worry me but im quite annoyed with them now... why didnt they tell me they were worried?? i would have stayed in hospital then and not kicked up a fuss about going home. :evil: some ppl make me so mad lol

Yeh Keely im in so much pain!! When i saw the midwife today and she said she thinks im in so much pain because hes laid in a really awkward position. he has his head up in between my ribs and his bum is sort of squeezed in my pelvis and his feet are all over the place lol i havent really packed my labour bag properly yet :? ive got all my toiletries just need some other things and it will be dont :D ive got another scan on wednesday when they will decide whether they will give me a c- section or not :shock: quite scary really!! yeh i might end up having him before you... we might end up having them on the same day :D

Its weird Sami because my pregnancy has been pretty easy and enjoyable untill about 2 weeks ago!! now its hell and i cant wait for it to be over (i no that sounds really mean but im just in pain!) I still feel physically like i can do alot which probs hasnt helped!! But ive been relaxing a lot and havent done much.. still not feeling great but im sure i will be fine!! :D

oh thank gosd i was getting worried i was just about to text u hun!
i would have gone ape did she say about nething happening sooner than its ment to etc? hope u feel better soon hun
She really worried me because she said as long as i was taking my magnesium then i should be ok and it should keep me pregnant for a while longer. I then got really panicky because on thursday i didnt take any magnesium tabs, we had a big bbq 4 the england game and loadsa ppl came round. my dad put my tabs out of the way so the kids wouldnt get them and i just forgot to take them. i told the midwife but she wasnt concerned, said it would be fine as long as i started taking them again yesterday which i did.

im feeling awful today :( in so much pain!! im 35 weeks tomorrow :shock: really cant believe it!! ive got a scan on wednesday and if hes still breech (which i think he will be) they should give me a date for a cesarean. im quite hoping he doesnt move now because im just so fed up of being pregnant and i want him to be here now. i feel really mean saying that but if be so much happier if he was here. all i seem to do now is cry in pain and i just feel miserable :cry: i feel like one big stretchmark, i swear i find a new one everyday :(

but ill hopefully feel better soon because i hate being miserable :( thanks for your kind posts though... :)

hayley xx
hayley you sound so fed up! i'm so sorry hon.. nothing worse than being sore and uncomortable... theres nothing wrong with wanting your baby early... will babys dad be back from the army in time?

hope you start feeling a bit better soon... are you all ready i case they take you in early for C section?


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