worst cough and cold ever :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2010
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since christmas day i've had the worst cough/sore throat ever... lost my voice completely for 2 days but it has come back a bit today. Went to the walk-in centre and they said its an upper respiratory viral infectionbut MAN it feels horrendous.It went from being a sore throat to stuffy nose and now a chesty sore cough too. Absolutely kills every time i cough... yowch :(

just to top it all off i've now got cold-sores on my nose and lips and coughing up greeny yellow cack off my chest (sorry tmi!)

absolutely knacked as i can only sleep for about half hour at night before my throat is so dry i have to have a drink.

been taking paracetemol, hot honey and lemon, drinking TONS of water and orange juice, lockets and steam inhalation.

only positive is where i'm laying down all the time can feel baby moving a bit more,and also that my little girl has all her new pressies to keep her occupied whilst i am a useless sofa-bound mummy!

any advice to make this go away???!!!
treeze you need anti biotics if you have green yellow phlem ive been ill with it since christmas eve and really knocked me only just got the strength back to sit at the pc id go back to the dr
Hi i know how you feel hun - I had a stinking cold for about 5 days leading up to Christmas and was doing all the things you are - that's all you can do really hun - I found hot lemon and honey helped and my mum got me some throat pastilles from the chemist as I had a really sore throat. Hope you start feeling better soon :-) xx
ive also been using steam to help open up my air ways it helped loads
Hey Girls,
try rubbing vicks vapo rub on the soles of your feet, cover with socks and go to bed for the night. Don't go mad with the vicks though as your feet will be roasting in the middle of the night. The vicks will travel up through you and you should feel much better in the morning. This is a remedy given to me by a reflexologist.

thanks guys... am going to try that vics thing defo! and i was wondering about going to my actual doc rather than the walkin...will ring them in the morning no harm in a 2nd opinion.it's the cough pain thats the worst- so so sore. booo:(
thanks guys... am going to try that vics thing defo! and i was wondering about going to my actual doc rather than the walkin...will ring them in the morning no harm in a 2nd opinion.it's the cough pain thats the worst- so so sore. booo:(

i feel your pain hun xmas is 1 big blur to me i was that out of it :(
deffo go back to the drs x
ahw its horrible isn't it...

we went up to my parents on boxing day for a nice few days away and i spent the whole time there in bed. i was gutted - didn't get to catch up with my brother or sister at all really as didn't want to pass it on..

it is like a blur now your right!

well i've had it for 5/6 days now so hopefully it will go away soon. will still try docs tomoz though x x x

thanks guys... am going to try that vics thing defo! and i was wondering about going to my actual doc rather than the walkin...will ring them in the morning no harm in a 2nd opinion.it's the cough pain thats the worst- so so sore. booo:(

i feel your pain hun xmas is 1 big blur to me i was that out of it :(
deffo go back to the drs x

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