Worrying :-/


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2011
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Hey girls! I have 2 weeks to go until my 12 week scan and I am constantly worrying! My sickness has gone these past couple of days and I know it's normal for it to disappear at some point but I'm so worried that I am going to go to my scan and I'm going to get bad news!

Anyone else feeling like this??? Wish I could snap out of it but I can't :-( xxxx
You've already seen the heartbeat right hunny?

Well the risks of things going bad after that are very very small. Put your faith in your little bean, it will have grown and will be waving at you when you see it next x
Thanks Hun, that made me smile :-) yep I saw it at 7 weeks and it had a little heart beat! I think because the sickness has stopped I am worried something is wrong, and lots of people having MC and MMC on here, just makes you realise how precious it all really is xxx
I know how you feel exactly. I am only a few days behind you and I have had a few days where I have felt totally fine and wonder is all of this for real.

I think the sickness is meant to stop around now anyways hun, you are almost over that 12 week hurdle, only a few more days to go!
It's crazy isn't it?! I really didn't think I'd be worried all the time - I thought id be happy! I really hope after the 12 week scan we can all relax and be happy!

I keep thinking to myself I should enjoy the fact that I'm not feeling sick anymore, it's just such an anxious time!!! You're right though Hun, we will be fine! Xx
your body is probably used to the hormones and things now, so thats probably why the sickness has eased off. ive never had morning sickness with any of mine. good luck for your next scan x x
I think we should all remind eachother of these threads when we are all in Tri 3 and haven't slept all night cos Junior thinks he's John Travolta :dance: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
My sickness has been coming and going the past few days - is 9 weeks too early for this to be happening?? Doing my usual paranoia trick!!!
Baby brain that post bout Dancing made me lol! Xx

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