Feeling negative


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2008
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:( I'm feeling so negative & insecure about this pregnancy & i dont know why, i have 4 healthy kids and have never had any problems during pregnancy but this time i just am constantly worrying that somethings wrong this time. i was so posative early on and had no worries but now that i'm 12+5 weeks i'm so scared that somethings not right :( . I had a scan a couple of weeks ago and everything was fine but last night i had horrible tummy pains that were definatly trapped wind :oops: they have gone today but i'm still worrying myself :doh:

Am i going compleatly bonkers or are there other people feeling like this???
Aw honey it's cos you haven't had a scan since before 12 weeks. I know you've had one before but that's not the point - it is knowing all's ok at 12 weeks plus that makes the difference. Purely psychological but still true. You'll be totally fine but I'm not surprised you're still worrying and hopefully it'll get better after next week x
Ive had 3 healthy pregnancys and still worrying,im not sure if i worried as much in my previous pregnancys as much as i am with this one....i may have and just forgot,but be assured your certainly not the one feeling like this.

Ive got my scan next week and got it in my head they gonna tell me somethings wrong....i guess its just our motherly instinct kicking in and wanting to protect etc...i think i will feel a bit better after the scan but the worry wont go completely till i have my baby in my arms.

Pregnancy hormones are indeed a funny thing.
Aw hun - know exactly what you mean, it can be really hard to stay positive but I'm sure everything will be fine xxx
Thanks girls, your right i'm sure i will feel better after the scan next thursday, I'm probably just a bit over tired from my little boy being poorly all last week and keeping me awake at night (Kids :roll: :rotfl: )

I'm just glad i found this forum and have other people to talk to, i think my hubby is getting fed up of me complaining :oops: .
I hope that the 12th comes round quickly for you so you've got that reassurance.
I laughed last night and it caused a pain and i was all panicy after that. good days and bad days but i'm like you, glad i've got on here to come and have a moan lol.
I'm exactly the same! I've never been pregnant before which doesn't help! It is a little better after I had the scan but I still panic every time I go to the toilet! I think I'll only calm down when I feel kicking every day! :D I'm a natural born worrier anyway! Then to think I'll have a whole life time of worry after he or she is born :rotfl:
I'm exactly the same! I've never been pregnant before which doesn't help! It is a little better after I had the scan but I still panic every time I go to the toilet! I think I'll only calm down when I feel kicking every day! :D I'm a natural born worrier anyway! Then to think I'll have a whole life time of worry after he or she is born :rotfl:
I'm exactly the same! I've never been pregnant before which doesn't help! It is a little better after I had the scan but I still panic every time I go to the toilet! I think I'll only calm down when I feel kicking every day! :D I'm a natural born worrier anyway! Then to think I'll have a whole life time of worry after he or she is born :rotfl:
huge hugs. I'm sure you'll feel so much better after your scan. Bring on the 12th!
Ah hun I am sure you will be fine. I guess its just overwhelming everything happening.
I am feeling really down at the moment.. I can hardly move due to this sickness.. talking makes me heave so I cant even be at work. I am sitting at home all day on my own and even when my OH gets home I am so tired I dont even want to talk I just go to bed... I am worried I am neglecting him which makes me upset and then I just cry for hours. Really not feeling good at all :( x
I'm actually feeling much better today, so much so that i've bought babys swinging crib today :D
I think it helped loads talking to all you lovely people, Thankyou.
its normal to worry, i'm worried even tho iv already had a healthy baby too :hug:

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