

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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After me saying my doppler is so reassuring, i know agree they are evil things! I havnt found my babys hb for 2 days now, i can hear blood flow but nothing else!
I havent felt pregnant for a few days now, all my symptoms have disappeared, which i know can be normal as im nearly 14 weeks but it doesnt stop me being worried. Plus my friends sister went for her scan and got told the baby was too small but her pic looks the same as mine! So now im a worried, emotional wreck! I never worried like this with my LO x x

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Aw,please dont worry, im sure everything is fine. I never found the hb on a doppler, and found myself worrying, not 'feeling pregnant' anymore. Now I know everything is more or less ok, I have sent it back - although did try to find it again, and STILL couldnt find it!

Maybe its because the baby is moving upwards at this stage, more out of the pelvic area, and into the belly. There could be so many reasosn why you cant find it - baby in a funny position, placenta in the way, etc. My midwife told me to not even touch a doppler untill about 18 weeks - thinks she was right!
Im sure everything is fine hun xxxxxx
morning... just thought i'd say hi and that i agree about the worrying second time around - it's crazy isn't it... you think we'd be more relaxed this time not the other way around?! ! i know i deffo didn't worry this much when i was pregnant with josie and now i am worrying at every appointment etc..

why don't you try and get someone else to try with the doppler so you can lay back and relax - you never know someone else might just hold it in a slightly different position and find the hb..

it's so hard at this stage when we haven't started feeling the baby move yet... i can't wait to feel that again because that is reassurance in itself - mind you then you have the worry when you DON'T feel anything for a day or 2 and go into panic about that! (now that i DID do with Josie a couple of times!) but everything was always still ok.

When I went for that scan yesterday i had been worrying for a couple of days cos i had started feeling not pregnant again... and it's so wierd to see the baby kicking and wriggling all over the place but you can't feel a thing!!! so that's probably happening ALL the time and you just don't know it!

and you are right about your symptoms dissapearing too - that's completely normal - i have felt much better the last week or so.. in fact feeling back to normal again really so i do think that when you do start to feel "normal" again you think "is everything ok?" but i'm sure it will be fine...

i know everyone always says "try not to worry" but that really is what you have to do.. in a few weeks hopefully you will start feeling them kicks to let you know that everythings ok... and then there will be something else to worry about!!!

wow - sorry for the essay! - my hubby is working today so i'm in my pj's on the computer already! and probably will be all day - going to do some online crimbo shopping today! Josie has a list as big as her arm this year!!!

take care and try to relax x x x
Thanks ladies, ive decided to hide my doppler and not use it till later on. Im worried sick but trying my hardest to put it at the back of my mind x x

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aww please dont worry i know you prob will but try not to it pretty normal not to find it everytime try doing it at a different time of day i kept trying mine at night and it just sounded like the baby was having a party in there so i tried during the day after i was nice and relaxed and found it straight away
It's really hard to find a heart beat so early on. They usually say it's best to wait until 18-20 weeks as it's much easier to find. With Joseph I didn't even try to listen until 20+ weeks as I didn't want to keep panicking myself!

Patience is a virtue though - lol.

Sunnyb xxx
Hey sweetheart,
Sorry you're worrying so much! I bet everything is fine and baby has just moved a bit and like you say it's normal at this point to start losing symptoms. It doesn't stop us worrying though! That's why I'm not getting a Doppler because I know what I'm like. Keep thinking that I can't wait till my 20 week scan, which I can't but I'll be worrying a week after lol. Hope Adam can distract you a bit from the worry! *hugs*

X x x x
Hi, well first I must say you have definitely put me off buying a doppler - like I need ANOTHER thing to become anxious about!! Lol. Secondly I think between 12 and say 18-20 weeks is a weird time because on the plus side you are feeling better in yourself and some of your worst symptoms have gone, but on the negative side it was those symptoms that let you know you were pregnant and at least reassured you that baby was in there and ok! I am 16 weeks tomorrow and can honestly say I do not look or feel pregnant - the only thing I notice is my lower tummy (uterus I guess!) does feel a little heavier as if I am carrying a weight in there. I can't wait for my 20 week scan so I can see bubba again and know it is ok, I also can't wait to feel some movement and finally get a bump!! I am sure all is fine with you hun xx
im sure eveythin is fine hun dont worry it will be harder to the find the heart beat cos baby is still rather small xx
Thank you for all your replies, i think because ive found it everytime before now, i was paniking. It was a few things that just added up thats making me worry, also yesterday morning i could feel my uterus just above my pelvic bone and by yesterday afternoon it had disapeared!
Ive decided to put my mind at rest, im going to call the midwife and let her know all my worries and see if theres something she can do to put my mind at rest and if not im going to book a private scan to make sure that baby is ok and that all babys measurements are right x x

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