

Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2010
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After feeling positive, I now have the wobbles :( had a scan last friday and saw baby :D but from Monday lost all my symptoms, not that they were many, just painful boobs and feeling sick in the afternoons/early evening, though not actually being sick, and feeling tired. Been fine all weeks, but today just feel wierd, slept ages last night, but fell asleep this afternoon, for two hours, having mild stomach cramps as well, also feel a bit sick, but not sure if i feel sick cos I'm thinking with the cramps. I'm gonna start bleeding, feel so scared that I'm going to lose this baby as well :( . Can't even go for a private scan as they only do them in Cardiff and I live in Swansea, Just can't afford the £99 for scan and the petrol money there and back :(
Pointless post really, dunno why I have done it, just want to vent I suppose, cos If I am going to mc, can't do anything about it anyway :(
Oh darling!! Is there any chance you can see a doc?!? Although that is right nothing can be helped! As sad as that sounds. :( I wanna give you a massive hug Hun! Rest up and take it easy over weekend!!! X x x x
Oh Rosa love, sorry you've got the jitters.
I'm still getting them now, even at 14 weeks.

It's easy to say to think positively, but to be honest, I'm not sure the worrying ever stops!
Can your EPU not scan you sweetie? Just for peace of mind?
Mine was ever so helpful, and let me go for a scan any time I got the jitters, and arranged for a scan every 2 weeks roughly. Speak to them, see what they can do xx :hug: xx
I did speak to the epu this morning, she was lovely but said the epu was only for emergencies, if i was in bleeding or in pain. she asked when i was going to see the midwife, I said monday, so she told me to tell her how i was feeling and that the midwife can then ring the ante natal department, who will do reassurence scans, so I will apeak to her on Monday and hopefully she will get me a scan.

Iv'e only just seen your post Rosa, how are you feeling now- it's soo much harder after 1 or multipule MC's as your mind goes into overtime, and you never seem able to relax in tri 1 , and beyond, but lesser.

Sending you a hug and hope your feeling better now x
Im feeling ok atm JJmum, some days are better than others, the days I have symptoms like feeling nausea or sore nipples I feel better but don't have symptoms often lol, Il get there, 12 weeks scan next, just waiting for appointment through the post, I get my bloods done at same time as well. Its just a waiting game
Hope you're ok Rosa, :hugs:

Try not to worry, i'm sure you will be fine. xx
Hello i have no advice but want to say calm down :) enjoy your pregnancy.
Could you not get one of those dopplers? then you can hear the babys heartbeat anytime you wanted. I think im going to get one :) good luck xxx
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About the dopplers.. I just had a look on ebay, as if I get to 9 weeks or so I'm definitely going to get one :D

There's a few on there (second hand) starting at 99p with only a few days to go.




Gotta be worth it for peace of mind :)
Please try not to worry too much xxx

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