well i made it pased 8 wks and 3 days

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: what time is ur scan on monday? i hope it goes well
at 8.30 am managed to get in early. got a bad feeling about it tho. i'm so scared even tho the bleeding has stopped. xx
hugs i'm with you on that one i have my scan on monday ( :shhh: :shhh: )
hope it goes well anna. let us know. i'll tell u how mine goes.trying to keep myself as busy as i can until then :?
Wow Anna23 your 12 weeks+.
I bet that is a huge relief for you :hug:
Congrats hun :hug:

Lizz, all the best for your next scan.
Its scary when you bleed I know as have been there myself and I think its great how they are keeping a vlose eye on you.
Makes you feel loads better I bet :hug:
scan went well :D i was scared though as it was in the room we were in last time we got told we'd lost last baby...BUT the room is not jinxed for me after all as everything was ok, baby is making good growth progress (is now the size it ought to be) and heart beating fine. they put the dates at 7wk 2d, so today that makes it 7wk 3d, but obviously wont know for sure until 12 wk scan (which should be sometime in the last week of nov). the area of bleeding is near the cervix, it has decreased a lot but not gone completely, so they said i may still have some more bleeding to come. got my 1st midwife appointment next wednesday. i'll be 8wk 4d on that day, which is scary as thats where i'd got to when our last baby passed away :(

hope it went ok for you anna xx :hug: :hug:
i'm so glad the scan went well :cheer: :hug: :hug: ye we were in the same room and had the same midwife as before however this time all went well :cheer: (midwifes do the 12 wk scans here) just want to send you loads of hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
do u feel more relaxed now u've had ur 12 wk scan anna? i'm glad it went well 4 u :hug:
i'm now 8 wks so 4 weeks to go until mine :( i wish time would go more quickly!! xxx
ummmm it's hard to say yes becasue i still worry stupid really becasue i know everything is ok and get symptoms all the time like major heartburn, but it's more real that yes i'm going to have a baby with me soon, i look at the moses basket i was given and think omg a baby will be filling that in 6 months time :shock: :cheer: and when i see my 2 playing i think wow they will have a brother or sister to play with soon, it's nice thinking that way, and i keep looking to the future too which i wasn't able to do before and i can look at baby clothes now which i found really hard to do, so in a way yes i do feel less worried but still worried if you know what i mean :D
*lizz* said:
i'm now 8 wks so 4 weeks to go until mine :( i wish time would go more quickly!! xxx
ye you'll be susprised how fast it goes once your there but at 8 weeks i felt it was dragging but i felt keeping myself busy helped :D :hug:

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